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Laboratory of Neuropharmacology

TEL: +886-2 2826-7000 #67381
E-mail: [email protected]
Principal Investigator: MAAN-YUH LIN (aka MAAN-YUH ANYA LIN)


B.Sc. (Pharmacy)                                    1978-82        National Taiwan University, Taiwan
M.Sc. (Pharmacology)                           1982-84        National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Ph.D. (Neuroscience/Pharmacology)    1989-92        University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, U.S.A


Dean, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, NYCU                                      2022/08- Present
Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy, NYCU                                                         2016/08- Present
Adjunct Professor, Institute of Biopharmaceutical Sciences, NYCU            2008/08- Present
Adjunct Professor, Institute of Pharmacology, NYCU                                  2008/08- Present
Adjunct Professor, Institute of Physiology, NYCU                                        2008/08- Present
Adjunct Research Fellow, Department of Medical Research, TVGH            2005/04- Present
President, The Society of Taiwan Women in Sciences and Technology      2019/12- Present

Director, Department of Pharmacy, NYCU                                                  2016/08~2022/07
Director, Institute of Pharmacology, NYCU                                                 2008/08~2014/07
Associate Research Fellow, Department of Medical Research, TVGH         1996~2005
Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica    1993/10~1996/10
Postdoctoral Fellow, National Institutes of Health, USA                             1992/08~1993/09
  1. Radiotherapy-induced skin damage (RISD): Radiation is one of the common cancer treatments. Radiation is effectively killing tumor cells but and at the same time, radiation is destructive to the normal tissue in the irradiated area. Due to the wide range of radiation intensity, different radiation and energy levels, various treatment time and course of treatment, the patients suffer from radiation-induced direct skin damage and its deep tissue cells. several radiation damages include dryness, hyperpigmentation, loss of elasticity, capillary dilatation, soft tissue fibrosis, and radiation dermatitis. sometime, the side effects were to significant that the radiation therapy stop. In our lab, we would like to focus on the pathology of RISD and develop the potential treatment to reduce RISD. 
  2. Neuroprotective strategy for CNS neurodegenerative disease: neuroinflammation is the center of the vicious cycle of oxidative stress, protein aggregation and cell death. To prevent neurodegeneration, several strategies have been proposed and investigated, including free radical scavengers and hypoxic preconditioning. In our previous study, we have shown hypoxic precondition is capable of preventing iron-induced neurotoxicity and ischemic stroke. Our current study would like to focus on the neuroprotective elements in the hypoxic precondition, involving exosome secretion using in vitro and in vivo hemorrhagic stroke modes.  
<Selected Recent Publications>

1. Yu-Li Lo, Tse-Yuan Wang, Chun-Jung Chen, Yih-Hsin Chang and Anya Maan-Yuh Lin*. Two-in-One Nanoparticle Formulation to Deliver a Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor and microRNA for Targeting Metabolic Reprogramming and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Gastric Cancer. Pharmaceutics (2022) Aug 23:14: 1759.doi:10.3390/pharmaceutics14091759(通訊作者)

2. Yu-Show Fu , Chang-Ching Yeh, Pei-Ming Chu , Wen-Hsing Chang , Anya Maan-Yuh Lin , Yung-Yang Lin. Xenograft of Human Umbilical Mesenchymal Stem Cells Promotes Recovery from Chronic Ischemic Stroke in Rats. International Journal of Molecular Science (2022) 2022 Mar 15;23(6):3149. doi: 10.3390/ijms23063149 (通訊作者)

3. Hui-Ju Huang, Hsiang-Tsui Wang, Ting-Yu Yeh, Bo-Wei Lin, Young-Ji Shiao, Yu-Li Lo, Anya Maan-Yuh Lin*. Neuroprotective effect of selumetinib on acrolein-induced neurotoxicity. Scientific Report 2021 Jun 14;11(1):12497. (通訊作者)

4. Yu-Li Lo; Hua-Ching Lin; Shu-Ting Hong; Chih-Hsien Chang; Chen-Shen Wang; Anya Maan-Yuh Lin*. Lipid polymeric nanoparticles modified with tight junction-modulating peptides promote afatinib delivery across a blood–brain barrier model. Cancer Nanotechnology.12:13. (2021) (通訊作者)

5. Chia-Chi Hsu, Albert Ying-Po Yang, Jui-Yi Chen, Hsin-Hui Tsai, Shu-Heng Lin, Pei-Chen Tai, Ming-Hung Huang, Wei-Hsun Hsu, Anya Maan-Yuh Lin*, James Chih-Hsin Yang. Lysine Deprivation Induces AKT-AADAT Signaling and Overcomes EGFR-TKIs Resistance in EGFR-Mutant Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells. Cancers (Basel) 2021 Jan 13;13(2):272. (通訊作者)

6. Wen-Chien Ho, Chia-Chi Hsu, Hui-Ju Huang, Hsiang-Tsui Wang , Anya Maan-Yuh Lin* Anti-inflammatory Effect of AZD6244 on Acrolein-Induced Neuroinflammation. Mol Neurobiol. 2020 Jan;57(1):88-95 (通訊作者)

7. Yu-Ling Liu, Chia-Chi Hsu, Hui-Ju Huang, Chih-Jung Chang, Shu-Hui Sun, Anya Maan-Yuh Lin*. Gallic Acid Attenuated LPS-Induced Neuroinflammation: Protein Aggregation and Necroptosis. Mol Neurobiol. 2020 Jan;57(1):96-104.  (通訊作者)

8. Yen-Ju Chen, Chia-Chi Hsu, Young-Ji Shiao, Hsiang-Tsui Wang, Yu-Li Lo*, Anya Maan-Yuh Lin*.Anti-inflammatory effect of afatinib (an EGFR-TKI) on OGD-induced neuroinflammation. Sci Rep. 2019 Feb 21;9(1):p2516. (IF=4.011; 15/69 Integrative & Complementary Medicine) (通訊作者)

9. Shu-Ting Hong , Hua-ching Lin, Chen-Shen Wang, Chih-Hsien Chang, Anya Maan-Yuh Lin, James Chih-Hsin Yang, Yu-Li Lo*. Improving the anticancer effect of afatinib and microRNA by using lipid polymeric nanoparticles conjugated with dual pH-responsive and targeting peptides. J Nanobiotechnology. 2019 Aug 19;17(1):p89. (IF= 5.345, 19/162 biotechnology and applied microbiology)

10. Wei-Zhong Zhao, Hsiang-Tsui Wang, Hui-Ju Huang, Yu-Li Lo*, Anya Maan-Yuh Lin*. Neuroprotective effects of baicalein on acrolein-induced neurotoxicity in the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system of rat brain. Mol Neurobiol. 2018 Jan;55(1):130-137 (IF=6.190; 25/259 Integrative & Complementary Medicine). (通訊作者)

11. Hui-Ju Huang, Yi-Ting Wang, Hui-Ching Lin , Yi-Hsuan Lee* , Anya Maan-Yuh Lin*.  Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase Inhibition Attenuates MPTP-Induced Neurotoxicity in the Nigrostriatal Dopaminergic System: Involvement of α-Synuclein Aggregation and ER Stress. Mol Neurobiol. 2018 Jan;55(1):138-144. (通訊作者)

12. Yi-Ting Wang, Hui-Ching Lin , Wei-Zhong Zhao , Hui-Ju Huang, Yu-Li Lo, Hsiang-Tsui Wang , Anya Maan-Yuh Lin*. Acrolein acts as a neurotoxin in the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system of rat: involvement of α-synuclein aggregation and programmed cell death. Sci Rep. 2017 Apr 12; 7:p45741. (IF=4.259; 10/64 Integrative & Complementary Medicine) (通訊作者)


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