實驗室位於:核醫精準醫療中心 2F文物展覽室
績效1.1 總體服務內容:
1. 微正子斷層掃描
i. F-18‐FDG/PET分析小鼠大腦光血栓性中風葡萄糖代謝
ii. F-18標誌具組蛋白去乙醯基酶抑制藥物腫瘤正子造影劑MH01,檢測腦腫瘤病及新藥開發。
iii. F-18‐FDG/PET分析WT小鼠(C57BL/6)及阿茲海默氏症模型小鼠(5XFAD)在處理抗體藥物之後,腦組織中代謝的分析。
iv. F-18‐FDG/PET後於荷瘤小鼠之正子造影。
v. F-18‐FDG/PET造影評估間葉幹細胞外泌體治療後小鼠腦部之葡萄糖代謝變化。
2. 微單光子斷層掃描
i. In-111-標誌之奈米金Au@HSANP不同注射方式(iv及ip)於動物體內藥動分析。
ii. Tc-99m-MAG3於單側輸尿結紮(Unilateral ureteral ligation/obstruction) 小鼠引起之腎損傷,測量兩側腎功能之差異比較。
iii. 協助完成活體動物之單光子造影及螢光成像評估外泌體的生物分佈,開發具專一性的放射性標誌外泌體平台。
3. 微正子磁振造影
i. 利用F-18-FDG/PET-MR小鼠影像協助腦機介面開發
4. 螢光造影
i. 利用ICG螢光染劑螢光造影比較OATP1B3和NTCP基因的差異。
ii. 以溴化乙錠染劑觀察中風小鼠的大腦在不同療程下之治療結果比較。
iii. FITC螢光表現追蹤SAS及HEK293細胞株之特異性結合分析。
iv. 以PKH26 螢光染劑標記外泌體,並透過離體螢光成像評估外泌體之器官分佈。
5. 螢光造影
i. 利用細胞攝取IUdR與否之細胞螢光比較。
6. 冷光造影
i. 利用基因表現之原位口腔癌於攝取IUdR後之冷光造影比較。
ii. 利用基因表現之ES2 細胞系建立卵巢癌腹膜內異種移植小鼠模型評估小動物活體冷光影像監測腹膜腔內的腫瘤生長情形。
7. 核磁共振有機分子分析
i. 新藥開發之定量及定性分析。
ii. 包埋藥物之小分子藥物結構解析。
1.2 服務成果及合作研究:
本計畫中陽明分子影像核心實驗室由108執行至111年共四年期間,合計協助北中南東共22個產學單位,含蓋學界如陽明交大,清大化工,長庚醫放,成大化工等,醫學中心如台大醫學院內科,北榮精神部,新光醫院轉譯醫學中心,北醫神經再生醫學,中國醫藥大學胸腔內科與慈濟影像醫學部,產業界科技公司如台達電,強普生技,免疫工坊與智合精準醫學等,其中在業界服務上包含提供協助藥物分析,光譜分析輔助其藥物開發、協助抗體藥物複合體研發,電腦斷層設備開發,動物疾病模式建立分析等。合作研究論文2篇、客製化服務案件2件、業界服務案4件,並協助使用者論文發表共17篇、其中SCI排名區段Q1共10篇(各機器論文發表詳情如下表),包含如Journal of Biomedical Science、Science Advances…等High IF期刊。
- 各設備發表如下
- Wu, Menq-Rong, Yi-You Huang, and Jong-Kai Hsiao. "Use of indocyanine green (ICG), a medical near infrared dye, for enhanced fluorescent imaging—comparison of organic anion transporting polypeptide 1B3 (OATP1B3) and sodium-taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (NTCP) reporter genes." Molecules 24.12 (2019): 2295.
- Wu, Menq-Rong, Yi-You Huang, and Jong-Kai Hsiao. "Role of sodium taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide as a new reporter and drug-screening platform: Implications for preventing hepatitis B virus infections." Molecular imaging and biology 22 (2020): 313-323.
- Wang, Chung-Yih, et al. "N-Dihydrogalactochitosan potentiates the radiosensitivity of liver metastatic tumor cells originated from murine breast tumors." International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20.22 (2019): 5581.
- Wu, Menq-Rong, and Jong-Kai Hsiao. "Apical sodium-dependent bile acid cotransporter, A novel transporter of indocyanine green, and its application in drug screening." International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21.6 (2020): 2202.
- Yang, Bang-Hung, et al. "Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease from 18 F-FDG and 11 C-PiB PET Imaging Biomarkers Using Support Vector Machine." Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering 40 (2020): 545-554.
- Tsai, Yi-Fang, et al. "Interleukin 17A promotes cell migration, enhances anoikis resistance, and creates a microenvironment suitable for triple negative breast cancer tumor metastasis." Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 70 (2021): 2339-2351.
- Yang, Peng, et al. "Supramolecular nanosubstrate–mediated delivery system enables CRISPR-Cas9 knockin of hemoglobin beta gene for hemoglobinopathies." Science advances 6.43 (2020): eabb7107.
- Ke, Chien-Chih, et al. "Enhancement of IUdR Radiosensitization in Cancer Therapy by Low-Energy Transmission X Ray Irradiation." Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering 41.3 (2021): 393-402.
- Chen, Yi-An, et al. "Evaluation of Class IIa Histone Deacetylases Expression and In Vivo Epigenetic Imaging in a Transgenic Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease." International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22.16 (2021): 8633.
- Chen, Yi-An, et al. "Detection of cancer stem cells by EMT-specific biomarker-based peptide ligands." Scientific reports 11.1 (2021): 22430.
- Lu, Cheng-Hsiu, et al. "Multiplexed Molecular Imaging Strategy Integrated with RNA Sequencing in the Assessment of the Therapeutic Effect of Wharton’s Jelly Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles for Osteoporosis." International Journal of Nanomedicine 16 (2021): 7813.
- Hwang, Thomas I-Sheng, et al. "Hsa-miR-30a-3p overcomes the acquired protective autophagy of bladder cancer in chemotherapy and suppresses tumor growth and muscle invasion." Cell death & disease 13.4 (2022): 390.
- Chen, Chao-Cheng, et al. "Investigation of biodistribution and tissue penetration of PEGylated gold nanostars and their application for photothermal cancer treatment in tumor-bearing mice." Journal of Materials Chemistry B 8.1 (2020): 65-77.
- Yang, Bang-Hung, et al. "Automatic Striatal ROI Delineation for Semi-quantitative Analysis of 99m Tc-TRODAT-1 Brain SPECT Imaging." Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering 40 (2020): 428-439.
- Chen, Yi-An, et al. "Effect of cerenkov radiation-induced photodynamic therapy with 18F-FDG in an intraperitoneal xenograft mouse model of ovarian cancer." International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22.9 (2021): 4934.
- Chen, Yi-An, et al. "Mesenchymal stem cell-derived exosomes ameliorate Alzheimer’s disease pathology and improve cognitive deficits." Biomedicines 9.6 (2021): 594.
- Chan, Hui-Wen, et al. "Radiometal-labeled chitosan microspheres as transarterial radioembolization agents against hepatocellular carcinoma." Gels 8.3 (2022): 180.
- Shyu, Yu‐Chiau, et al. "Genetic disruption of KLF1 K74 sUMOylation in hematopoietic system promotes healthy longevity in mice." Advanced Science 9.25 (2022): 2201409.
- Yeh, Chi-Hsiao, et al. "Hesperetin promotes longevity and delays aging via activation of Cisd2 in naturally aged mice." Journal of Biomedical Science 29.1 (2022): 53.