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小動物7T PET/MR


小動物7T PET/MR正子暨核磁共振二合一影像儀


腦中心耗時近3年建置世界最新型價值破億之小動物7T正子正子暨核磁共振影像儀已於2019年7月正式開幕。開幕期間以” 亞洲唯一小動物影像示範中心 榮陽團隊引進全臺第一座小動物PET/MRI影像儀“為標題,獲得20餘家新聞媒體關注報導。


本儀器的優勢在於在小動物活體中以非侵入式的方法,同時擷取高階影像科技中最敏感之正子影像、與最高解析度之核磁共振影像; 提供即時且精準的活體腦影像; 預計可縮短1/3新藥研發時間與1/4研發經費。


本儀器除了提供學術界使用,也積極與產業界共創產學能量; 作為亞洲唯一小動物影像示範中心,我們可與儀器原廠同步在軟硬體上更新,也意味著陽明交大攜手北榮在影像科學的實力不僅在學術,在產業上亦獲得肯定。

陽明交大攜手北榮合照 Bruker 7T PET/MR


自2019年7T PET/MR建置以來,腦中心成員,包括多位講座教授、特聘教授、特聘研究員在2020年獲得6件腦計畫(全台僅12件),此為腦科學研究最高殊榮。並且推動腦發炎造影劑-[18F]FEPPA與阿茲海默症濤蛋白造影劑-[18F]THK-5351從小動物影像,一路提升至cGMP等級,並獲得TFDA核可,正式應用在多項臨床研究,此為台北榮總國家級迴旋加速器中心與陽明交大轉譯研究合作之典範。

7T PET/MR 歷年發表文章

  1. Yeh SH-H, Shie F-S, Liu H-K, Yao H-H, Kao P-C, Lee Y-H, et al. A high-sucrose diet aggravates Alzheimer's disease pathology, attenuates hypothalamic leptin signaling, and impairs food-anticipatory activity in APPswe/PS1dE9 mice. Neurobiology of Aging. 2020; 90: 60-74.
  2. Chang C-W, Chiu C-H, Lin M-H, Wu H-M, Yu T-H, Wang P-Y, et al. GMP-compliant fully automated radiosynthesis of [18F] FEPPA for PET/MRI imaging of regional brain TSPO expression. EJNMMI research. 2021; 11: 1-15.
  3. Ho W-T, Yu T-H, Chao W-H, Wang B-Y, Kuo Y-Y, Lin M-H, et al. Design and In Vivo Evaluation of a Novel Transdermal Hydrogen/Oxygen-Generating Patch. Applied Sciences. 2021; 11: 11680.
  4. Huang Y-P, Lee S-Y. Deep Learning for Caries Detection using Optical Coherence Tomography. medRxiv. 2021.
  5. Lee CW, Lin HC, Wang BY, Wang AY, Shin RL, Cheung SYL, et al. Ginkgolide B monotherapy reverses osteoporosis by regulating oxidative stress-mediated bone homeostasis. Free Radic Biol Med. 2021; 168: 234-46.
  6. Lee J-H, Lin S-Y, Liu J-W, Lin S-Z, Harn H-J, Chiou T-W. N-Butylidenephthalide modulates autophagy to ameliorate neuropathological progress of spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 through mTOR pathway. International journal of molecular sciences. 2021; 22: 6339.
  7. Wang C-S, Chang C-H, Tzeng T-Y, Lin AM-Y, Lo Y-L. Gene-editing by CRISPR–Cas9 in combination with anthracycline therapy via tumor microenvironment-switchable, EGFR-targeted, and nucleus-directed nanoparticles for head and neck cancer suppression. Nanoscale Horizons. 2021; 6: 729-43.
  8. Wu C-Y, Hsieh H-H, Chu P-A, Hong W-H, Chang T-Y, Hsu C-F, et al. Comparison of 18F-FDG, 18F-Fluoroacetate, and 18F-FEPPA for Imaging Liver Fibrosis in a Bile Duct-Ligated Rat Model. Molecular imaging. 2021; 2021.
  9. Yeh SH-H, Huang W-S, Chiu C-H, Chen C-L, Chen H-T, Chi DY, et al. Automated Synthesis and Initial Evaluation of (4-Amino-5, 8-difluoro-1H-spiro [piperidine-4, 2-quinazolin]-1-yl)(4-[18F] fluorophenyl) methanone for PET/MR Imaging of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase. Molecular imaging. 2021; 2021.
  10. Chan H-W, Lo Y-H, Chang D-Y, Li J-J, Chang W-Y, Chen C-H, et al. Radiometal-Labeled Chitosan Microspheres as Transarterial Radioembolization Agents against Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Gels. 2022; 8: 180.
  11. Hsu FT, Tsai CL, Chiang IT, Lan KH, Yueh PF, Liang WY, et al. Synergistic effect of Abraxane that combines human IL15 fused with an albumin‐binding domain on murine models of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 2022.
  12. Yeh SH-H, Chang W-C, Hsu S-M, Lin MH, Chung M-C, Ke C-S, et al. Chelation-Tamoxifen Conjugates for Imaging of Estrogen Receptors. Cancer Biotherapy & Radiopharmaceuticals. 2022; 37: 30-40.

國立陽明交通大學 腦科學研究中心 小動物影像核心設施

