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Dai, Hung-Da

Dai, Hung-Da

Present Position

Nursing Supervisor, Department of Nursing, Taipei Veterans General Hospital


Ph.D., School of Nursing, National Yang Ming University

Professional Appointment

  • Committee member, Human Resources Management Committee
  • Committee member, Nursing Research Committee
  • Secretary in General, Taiwan Peri-Operative Registered Nurses Association (TORNA)
  • Board Member, Taiwan Peri-Operative Registered Nurses Association (TORNA)
  • Chair, Education Committee, Taiwanese Association for Hospital and Material Sterile Supply (TAHMSS)

Professional Experiences

  • Registered Nurse, Head Nurse, Nursing Supervisor, Department of Nursing, Taipei Veterans General Hospital
  • Nursing Supervisor, Department of Health, Taipei City Government
  • Nursing Specialist in Simulation Teaching Center, National Taipei University of Nursing and Allied Health
  • Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, National Yang Ming University


  • Peri-operative Nursing
  • Nursing Administration
  • Evidence-based nursing

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Operating Room
  • Post Anesthesia Care Unit


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