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About Us

Introduction on Social Work Office


Goals and objectives

To help patients and families to deal with their social, mental, family-related and financial issues connecting to illness, the Office coordinates various social resources to promote the quality of medical care, maintain patient’s mental and physical balance, and empower their capabilities to adjust social environment, in accordance with the ultimate goal of holistic care.


On July 16, 1958, the task force was established under the guidance of Council of Veterans Affairs, Executive Yuan, Republic of China, with major responsibilities of hospital employees and patients services, life management, and offering cultural and recreational activities.

On April 19, 1974, the task force was further augmented to the Social Work Office,under which two sections ---  Life Management Section and Welfare Affairs Section  were established respectively.

  On July 1, 1988, along with the organizational reform of VGHTPE , consultation and social work related tasks were merged into the Social Work Office,taking charge of three sections, Consultation and Training, Veterans Services and Social Work Section.

   In 2003, the organization of Office of Social Work was re-structured to two sections, Veteran Service Section and Social Work Section.


*Organization Chart of Social Work Office


Director Social Work Office


Chief Social Work Section


Chief, Veterans Service Section

Senior Social Worker



Social Worker


Executive Officer

Social Worker








Associate Clerk



Administrative Assistant



Technical Worker





*Job descriptions:

  1. Scheme medical social services for patients.
  2. Provide medical - related consultation, emergency assistance, dispute tackling and financial aid services for veterans.
  3. Deal with medical- related controversial events and petitions from patients and families.
  4. Plan and handle various community health services.
  5. Plan and implement recreational activities for employees.
  6. Supervise the operation of hospital volunteer services.

*Contact information

Veterans Service Section

Telephone: 02-28757466(886-2-28757466)

Location: 4 & 5th floors Kindergarten and Nursery Building

*Social Work Section

Telephone: 02-28757318(886-2-28757318)

Location:  1st  floorChung Cheng Building

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