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Spine Surgery

The Division of Spine surgery offers elective care and state-of-the-art surgical procedures to treat a range of common and acute spinal conditions, using multidisciplinary and collaborative approaches to manage degenerative spine disease, herniated disc at cervical and lumbar spines, scoliosis (congenital and idiopathic), adult spine deformity and conditions affecting the cervical spine.


Our spine team, including spine surgeons, rehabilitation physicians, anesthesiologists, rehab therapists and nursing staffs provides multidisciplinary and collaborative approaches to consult and solve your spine problems such as radiculopathy, any degeneration conditions at cervical, thoracic and lumbar spines, fracture, tumor and deformity in children, adolescent and adults.


National Rewards

2021 Bronze reward, Symbol of National Quality (SNQ)

Make It Straight , Rebuild Your Beauty- Whole Medical Team in Leading Scoliosis Care in Taiwan110年「國家品質標章.國家生技醫療品質獎」銅獎


Make It Straight , Rebuild Your Beauty- Whole Medical Team in Leading Scoliosis Care in Taiwan 『解彎取直、重塑美麗人生-引領全國脊椎側彎治療照顧團隊』

18th National Innovation Reward   

  Application of artificial intelligence deep learning ensemble model for assisted automatic        

  detection of thoracic and lumbar vertebral fractures on plain lateral radiographs

  第18屆國家新創獎-學研新創獎 / 智慧醫療與健康科技



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