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Chun-Cheng Lin


林峻正 主治醫師   Chun-Cheng Lin, Ph.D., Asst.Prof.

Email: [email protected]

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Current Position

Assistant Professor, Ministry of Education

Adjunct Instructor, Department of Orthopedics, National Defense Medical Center

Attending Physician, Department of Orthopedics, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Trauma and Fracture Division

Director, Taiwan Orthopedic Trauma Society

Member, Asia Pacific Musculoskeletal Infection Society

Executive Director, Continuing Education Credit Review Committee, Chinese Orthopedic Association

Director, Taiwan Biomedical Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Association

Committee Member, Medical Consultation Committee for Drivers, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, R.O.C.

Committee Member, Controlled Drugs Consultation Group, Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare, R.O.C.

Lecturer, International Foundation for Orthopedic Fusion - Trauma Society (AOTrauma Faculty Member)


Bachelor of Medicine, National Defense Medical Center

Ph.D., Institute of Clinical Medicine, Yang-Ming University


Resident Physician, Department of Orthopedics, Taipei Veterans General Hospital

Chief Resident Physician, Department of Orthopedics, Taipei Veterans General Hospital

Clinical Research Physician, Joint Reconstruction, Taipei Veterans General Hospital

Director, Emergency Department, Su'ao Branch, Taipei Veterans General Hospital (2010-2015)


Reconstruction of Severe Limb Trauma

Surgery for Fractures and Complications

Minimally Invasive Joint Replacement Surgery

Treatment of Bone and Joint Infections

International Training

Advanced Training in Severe Limb Trauma Surgery, Sapporo Teishukai Hospital, 2022-2023

International Foundation for Orthopedic Fusion (AO Foundation) Related Training

-Faculty Development certificate,Taiwan, 2023

-Acetabular and Pelvic Fracture Management, Incheon, Korea, 2018

-Master Course- Upper Limb (Shoulder and Elbow), Davos, Switzerland, 2017

-Master Course- Soft Tissue and Polytrauma, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2016

-Advances in Operative Fracture Management, Taichung, Taiwan, 2016

-Basic Principles of Fracture Management, Taichung, Taiwan, 2007


Ph.D. Dissertation

Pre-clinical Research Relative to Orthopaedic Trauma Surgery in the Fields of Translational Medicine and Telemedicine: Xenotransplantation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Fracture Healing & Development of Data Streaming System in the Hybrid Operating Room

Publication of Journal Articles or Books

  1. Wang CS, Tzeng YH, Yang TC, Lin CC, Chang MC, Chiang CC (2021, May). Radiographic and clinical results of modified 2-incision sinus tarsi approach for treatment of calcaneus fracture. Injury, doi:
  2. Lo IN, Tzeng YH, Wang CS, Yang TC, Lin CC, Chiang CC (2021, May). Initial femoral stem position in cementless bipolar hemiarthroplasty for femoral neck fracture in elderly patients is associated with early implant subsidence: a radiographic analysis. Injury, doi:
  3. Yang CC, Tzeng YH, Wang CS, Lin CC, Chang MC, Chiang CC (2020, Oct). Untreated small posterior fragment of ankle fracture with early removal of syndesmotic screw is associated with recurrent syndesmotic instability. Injury, doi: https//
  4. Lin CC, Chen YP, Chiang CC, Chang MC, Oscar Lee KS (2020, Mar). Real-Time Streaming of Surgery Performance and Intraoperative Imaging Data in the Hybrid Operating Room: Development and Usability Study. JMIR Med Inform, doi:10.2196/18094.
  5. Lin CC, Lin SC, Chiang CC, Chang MC, Oscar Lee KS (2019, Nov). Reconstruction of Bone Defect Combined with Massive Loss of Periosteum Using Injectable Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Biocompatible Ceramic Scaffolds in a Porcine Animal Model. Stem Cells International, v. 2019, p. 1–8, doi:10.1155/2019/6832952.
  6. Yang TC, Tzeng YH, Wang CS, Lin CC, Chang MC, Chiang CC (2019, Oct). Are proximal screws necessary for osteosynthesis of stable-stem periprosthetic femoral fractures fixed with non-locking plate and cable?. Injury, 50(10) 1739-1744.
  7. Wang CS, Tzeng YH, Lin CC, Chang MC, Chiang CC* (2019, Feb). Comparison of screw fixation versus non-fixation in dorsal opening wedge medial cuneiform osteotomy of adult acquired flatfoot. Foot and Ankle Surgery, doi: 10.1016/j.fas.
  8. Lin CC (2018, Sep). Chapter 25: Injuries of Pelvis and Four Extremities, Emergency Medicine 3rd ed., Published by Emergency Trauma Unit, Emergency Department, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan.
  9. Tsai SW, Lin CJ, Tzeng YH, Lin CC, Huang CK, Chang MC, Chiang CC* (2017, Sep). Risk factors for cut-out failure of Gamma3 nails in treating unstable intertrochanteric fractures: An analysis of 176 patients. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association, 80(9), 587-594.
  10. Wang CS, Tzeng YH, Lin CC, Huang CK, Chang MC, Chiang CC* (2016, May). Radiographic Evaluation of Ankle Joint Stability After Calcaneofibular Ligament Elevation During Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Calcaneus Fracture. Foot & Ankle International, 37(9), 944-9.
  11. Chiang CC*, Tzeng YH, Lin CC, Huang CK, Chang MC (2016, Jun). Minimally Invasive Versus Open Distal Fibular Plating for AO/OTA 44-B Ankle Fractures. Foot & Ankle International, 37(6), 611-9.
  12. Lin CC, Chen CM, Chiu FY, Su YP, Liu CL, Chen TH. (2012, Dec). Staged Protocol for the Treatment of Chronic Tibial Shaft Osteomyelitis with Ilizarov's Technique Followed by the Application of Intramedullary Locked Nail.. Orthopedics, 35(12):e1769-74.

Presentation of Conference Papers

  1. ”Interval Management for Farm-injured Mangled Limb: Combined Antibiotics PMMA and Negative Pressure Wound Therapy on Severe De-gloving Leg”, Dec. 30, 2021, Annual Meeting of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association.
  2. “Challenges in Tibia Plateau Fractures”, AOTrauma Seminar – Polytrauma and Soft Tissue, Dec. 4, 2021, Hsinchu Taiwan.
  3. “How coronoid fracture should be managed?”, 2021 8th Pan Asia Orthopedic Trauma Symposium, Taiwan Orthopaedic Trauma Association, Nov. 13, 2021.
  4. ”Four Parts Proximal Humerus Fracture: My Optional Implant for Fixation.”, Oct. 31, 2021, Annual Meeting of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association.
  5. “Limb Salvage for Chronic Tibial Osteomyelitis: Treatment Strategies in the Case Who Sustained Long-Term Hemodialysis and Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease”, Apr. 10, 2021, Annual Spring Meeting of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association.
  6. ”Two-incision Technique in Surgical Treatment of Elbow Dislocation Including Terrible Triad and Posteromedial Instability”, Oct. 24, 2020, Annual Meeting of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association.
  7. ”Improving upon the Shoelace Technique for Fasciotomy Wound Closure”, Oct. 24, 2020, Annual Meeting of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association.
  8. ”Limited Column Approach for Humerus Lateral Epicondylar Fracture with TypeIV Capitellum Fracture: Experience in Taipei Veterans General Hospital and Literatures Review”, Oct. 24, 2020, Annual Meeting of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association.
  9. ”Strategies for Remodeling Olecronon Fossa in the Treatment of Multifragmentary Articular and Metaphyseal Fracture of Distal Humerus”, Oct. 24, 2020, Annual Meeting of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association.
  10. “Nailing for 3-part Proximal Humerus Fracture”, Management for Pathologic Fracture and Related Complication, Taiwan Orthopaedic Trauma Association, Sep. 19, 2020.
  11. “Nailing for Proximal Humerus & Distal Femur Fracture”, Trauma Advanced Nailing Course in Fracture Management, Taiwan Orthopaedic Trauma Association, Feb. 8, 2020.
  12. Lin CC, Oscar Lee KS (2019, Oct). Integration of Surgery Performance and Intra-operative Imaging Data: A Research of Real-time Streaming System Augmented in the Hybrid Operating Room. Annual Meeting of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association.
  13. Lin CC, Oscar Lee KS (2019, Oct). Reconstruction of Bone Defect Combined with Massive Loss of Periosteum Using Injectable Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Biocompatible Ceramic Scaffolds in a Porcine Animal Model. Annual Meeting of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association.
  14. “3-Way Showdown: Comminuted Distal Radius Fracture – From Pins to External and Internal Fixations, Which Treatment Options and How? ”, 2019 Pan Asia Orthopedic Trauma Symposium, Taiwan Orthopaedic Trauma Association, Aug. 24, 2019.
  15. “Amputation or Reconstruction? A Case of Bilateral Catastrophic Legs Underwent Salvage Treatments: Strategies in Orthopaedic Surgery for Mangled Limbs”, 2019 Congress and Scientific Meeting of the Chinese Medical Association, Jun. 22, 2019.
  16. “Fixation of Die-punch Distal Radius Fracture (Key & Pitfall)”, Continuing Medical Education, Taiwan Society for Surgery of the Hand, Jan. 12, 2019.
  17. “Floating-knee with Bone Loss and Patellar Comminution”, Advanced Trauma Symposium, Taiwan Orthopaedic Trauma Association, Dec. 2, 2018.
  18. “Concise Review for Fracture Management”, Continuing Medical Education, Formosa Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Oct. 27, 2018.
  19. “Integration of Surgery Performance and Relative Video Data: A Research of Real-time Streaming System in Hybrid Operation Rooms”, Annual Meeting of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association, Oct. 29, 2017.
  20. “Four Part Proximal Humerus Fracture – ORIF not Better than Non-op”, Annual Meeting of Taiwan Shoulder and Elbow Society, 2016.
  21. “Challenges in Tibia Plateau Fractures”, AOTrauma Advanced Symposium – Complex Knee Trauma Management, 2015.
  22. “Management for Combined Fractures of the Tibia and Fibula”, Annual Meeting of Taiwan Orthopaedic Trauma Association, 2015.

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