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Therapeutical and Research Center of Musculoskeletal Tumor

Pai-Han Wang

王柏涵 主治醫師   Pai-Han Wang, M.D.

Email:[email protected]

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Click here for a detailed introduction

Current Position

Lecturer appointed by the Ministry of Education

Lecturer at the Department of Orthopedics, School of Medicine, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Attending Physician in the Joint Reconstruction Department at Taipei Veterans General Hospital

Attending Physician at the Bone and Muscle Tumor Treatment and Research Center at Taipei Veterans General Hospital

Member of the Taiwan Orthopaedic Association for Joint Reconstruction

Member of the Taiwan Association for Education in Arthroplasty Surgery


Graduated from the School of Medicine, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University


Attending Physician at the Department of Orthopedics, Taipei Veterans General Hospital

Research Physician in the Joint Reconstruction Department at Taipei Veterans General Hospital

Research Physician at the Disability Rehabilitation Center at Taipei Veterans General Hospital

Chief Resident Physician at the Department of Orthopedics, Taipei Veterans General Hospital

Resident Physician at the Department of Orthopedics, Taipei Veterans General Hospital


General fracture trauma surgery

Treatment of bone and muscle system tumors

Treatment of bone metastasis and pathologic fractures

Minimally invasive total knee and hip arthroplasty

Revision total knee and hip arthroplasty


SCI papers

1. Wang PH, Chen CM, Chen CF, Chen WM, Wu PK. Comparison of recycled autograft versus allograft in osteosarcoma with pathological fracture. Int Orthop. 2021 Aug;45(8):2149-2158.

2. Wang PH, Tsai SW, Chen CF, Wu PK, Chen CM, Chang MC, Chen WM. Cementation of the highly cross-linked polyethylene liner into a well-fixed acetabular shell to treat patients with recurrent dislocation after total hip arthroplasty. Artif Organs. 2021 May;45(5):E136-E145
3. Wang PH, Wu CL, Chen CM, Wang JY, Wu PK, Chen WM. Adjuvant therapy by high-speed burr may cause intraoperative bone tumor seeding: an animal study. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2020 Jul 31;21(1):507.
4. Wang PH, Huang HK, Wang JP, Liu YA, Huang YC, Chang MC. Recurrence rate of the Paine retinaculotome carpal tunnel release in diabetic and non-diabetic patients at long-term follow-up. J Chin Med Assoc. 2017 Oct;80(10):669-672.


Wang, P. H., Luo, Y. S., Chen, C. H., Wu, P. K., Chen, C. F., Chiu, F. Y., & Chen, W. M. (2021). A 12-year follow-up of allograft reconstruction after wide resection of osteosarcoma of the distal fibula: A case report. Foot & Ankle Surgery: Techniques, Reports & Cases1(3), 100058.

