外科病理 級數查詢
Level | Tissue | 中文 |
6 | Bone Resection | 骨切除(腫瘤) |
6 | Breast, Mastectomy (including Lymph Nodes) | 乳房切除(含淋巴結) |
6 | Colon, Segmental Resection for Tumor | 結腸切除(腫瘤) |
6 | Colon, Total Resection | 結腸切除(腫瘤) |
6 | Esophagus, Partial/Total Resection | 食道部分及全部切除 |
6 | Extremity, Amputation (Joint Disarticulation) | 截肢(關節截斷) |
6 | Larynx, Partial/Total Resection (including Lymph Nodes) | 喉部分及全部切除(含淋巴結) |
6 | Lung, Lobe Resection | 肺葉切除 |
6 | Pancreas, Partial/Total Resection | 胰臟部份或全切除 |
6 | Prostate, Radical Resection | 前列腺根除性切除 |
6 | Small Intestine, Resection for Tumor | 小腸切除(腫瘤) |
6 | Soft Tissue Tumor, Extensive Resection | 軟組織腫瘤廣泛性切除 |
6 | Stomach, Partial/Total Resection for Tumor | 胃部份或全部切除(腫瘤) |
6 | Testis, Tumor | 睪丸腫瘤 |
6 | Tongue/Tonsil, Resection for Tumor | 舌/扁桃腺腫瘤根除性切除 |
6 | Urinary Bladder, Partial/Total Resection | 膀胱部分或全部切除 |
6 | Uterus, Hysterectomy (with or without Tubes and Ovaries, Neoplastic) | 子宮切除/腫瘤性(有或無輸卵管及卵巢) |
6 | Perineum, Total/Partial Resection | 會陰全部或部分切除 |
5 | Adrenal, resection | 腎上腺切除 |
5 | Bone – biopsy, curettings | 骨切片 |
5 | Bone Fragments, pathologic fracture | 病理性骨折之骨碎片 |
5 | Breast, excision of with microscopic evaluation of margins | 乳房腫瘤切除(需要檢查margin) |
5 | Breast, Mastectomy, partial/simple | 乳房切除(不含淋巴結) |
5 | Brain, biopsy | 腦切片 |
5 | Brain/Meninges, tumor resection | 腦/腦膜(腫瘤) |
5 | Cervix, conization | 子宮頸圓錐狀切除 |
5 | Colon, segmental resection, other than for tumor | 非腫瘤的結腸切除 |
5 | Extremity, Amputation, non-traumatic | 非創傷性之肢體截肢 |
5 | Eye, enucleation | 眼摘除 |
5 | Kidney, partial/total nephrectomy | 腎臟部份或全部切除 |
5 | Larynx, partial/total resection | 喉部分及全部切除(不含淋巴結) |
5 | Liver Biopsy, needle/wedge | 肝臟切片 |
5 | Liver, partial resection | 肝臟部分切除 |
5 | Lung, wedge biopsy | 肺臟楔形切片 |
5 | Lymph Nodes, regional resection | 淋巴腺摘除 |
5 | Mediastinum, mass | 縱隔腔腫瘤 |
5 | Myocardium, biopsy | 心肌切片 |
5 | Odontogenic Tumor | 牙源性腫瘤 |
5 | Ovary, with or without Tube, neoplastic | 卵巢腫瘤 |
5 | Pancreas, biopsy | 胰臟切片 |
5 | Placenta, third trimester | 胎盤(懷孕後三個月) |
5 | Prostate, except radical resection | 前列腺非根除性切除 |
5 | Salivary Gland | 唾液腺切除 |
5 | Sentinel Lymph Node | 前哨淋巴結切除 |
5 | Small Intestine, resection other than for tumor | 非腫瘤的小腸切除 |
5 | Soft Tissue Mass (except lipoma), biopsy/simple excision | 軟組織切片或簡單切除(非脂肪瘤) |
5 | Stomach, subtotal/total resection, other than for tumor | 非腫瘤的胃切除 |
5 | Testis, biopsy | 睪丸切片 |
5 | Thymus, tumor | 胸腺腫瘤 |
5 | Thyroid, total/lobe | 甲狀腺切除 |
5 | Ureter, resection | 輸尿管切除 |
5 | Uterus, other than neoplasm/prolapse | 子宮切除/子宮肌瘤及非脫垂(有或無輸卵管及卵巢) |
4 | Abortion, spontaneous | 自然流產 |
4 | Artery, biopsy | 動脈切片 |
4 | Bone Marrow, biopsy | 骨髓切片 |
4 | Bone Exostosis | 外生骨疣 |
4 | Brain/Meninges, other than for tumor resection | 腦/腦膜(非腫瘤) |
4 | Breast Biopsy, not requiring microscopic evaluation of margins | 乳房切片(不需margin)如fibrocystic change |
4 | Breast, reduction mammoplasty | 乳房縮小整形術 |
4 | Bronchus, biopsy | 支氣管切片 |
4 | Cervix, biopsy | 子宮頸切片 |
4 | Colon, biopsy | 結腸切片 |
4 | Duodenum, biopsy | 十二指腸切片 |
4 | Endocervix, curettings/biopsy | 子宮頸/子宮內膜息肉 |
4 | Polyp, Colorectal | 結腸直腸息肉切除 |
4 | Genital Warts | 尖性濕疣 |
4 | Fibrous Papilloma | 皮纖維瘤 |
4 | Endocervical Curettage/Biopsy | 子宮內頸刮除術/切片 |
4 | Endometrial Curettage/Biopsy | 子宮內膜刮除術/切片 |
4 | Esophagus, biopsy | 食道切片 |
4 | Extremity, amputation, traumatic | 創傷性之肢體截肢 |
4 | Fallopian Tube, biopsy | 輸卵管切片 |
4 | Fallopian Tube, ectopic pregnancy | 輸卵管異位懷孕 |
4 | Femoral Head, fracture | 股骨頭骨折 |
4 | Fingers/Toes, amputation, non-traumatic | 非創傷性之指頭截肢 |
4 | Gingiva/Oral Mucosa, biopsy | 牙齦/口腔黏膜切片 |
4 | Heart Valve | 心臟瓣膜 |
4 | Hemangioma | 血管瘤 |
4 | Intradermal Nevus | 皮內痣 |
4 | Joint, resection | 關節切除置換 |
4 | Scar, keloid | 瘢瘤 |
4 | Kidney, biopsy | 腎臟切片 |
4 | Larynx, biopsy | 喉部切片 |
4 | Leiomyoma(s), uterine myomectomy, without uterus | 子宮肌瘤切除術 |
4 | Lip, biopsy/wedge resection | 唇切片 |
4 | Lung, transbronchial biopsy | 經支氣管肺切片 |
4 | Lymph Node, biopsy | 淋巴結切片 |
4 | Muscle, biopsy | 肌肉切片 |
4 | Nasal Mucosa, biopsy | 鼻黏膜切片 |
4 | Nasopharynx/Oropharynx, biopsy | 鼻咽或口咽切片 |
4 | Nerve, biopsy | 神經切片 |
4 | Odontogenic/Dental Cyst | 牙源性囊腫 |
4 | Retina, biopsy | 網膜切片 |
4 | Ovary with or without Tube, non-neoplastic | 卵巢切除(非腫瘤) |
4 | Ovary, biopsy/wedge resection | 卵巢切片 |
4 | Sinus, paranasal, biopsy | 鼻竇切片 |
4 | Parathyroid Gland | 副甲狀腺切除 |
4 | Peritoneum, biopsy | 腹膜切片 |
4 | Pituitary Tumor | 腦下垂體腫瘤 |
4 | Pleura/Pericardium – biopsy/tissue | 肋膜/心包膜切片 |
4 | Uterus, with or without Tubes and Ovaries, for prolapse | 子宮脫垂(有或無輸卵管及卵巢) |
4 | Prostate, needle biopsy | 前列腺細針切片 |
4 | Prostate, TUR | 攝護腺刮除 |
4 | Salivary Gland, biopsy | 唾液腺切片 |
4 | Skin, biopsy/nevus/seborrheic keratosis... | 皮膚-(切片/痣/脂漏性角化病..等) |
4 | Skin, other than cyst, tag, debridement, plastic repair | 皮膚-(非囊腫/非息肉/非清創/非整形標本) |
4 | Small Intestine, biopsy | 小腸切片 |
4 | Soft Tissue, other than tumor, mass, lipoma, debridement | 軟組織-(非腫瘤/非脂肪瘤/非清創標本) |
4 | Spleen | 脾臟 |
4 | Stomach, biopsy | 胃切片 |
4 | Synovium | 滑液膜 |
4 | Testis, other than tumor, biopsy, castration | 睪丸-(非腫瘤/非切片/非閹割) |
4 | Thyroglossal duct/Branchial Cleft Cyst | 甲狀腺舌管鰓裂囊腫 |
4 | Tongue, biopsy | 舌切片 |
4 | Tonsil, biopsy | 扁桃腺切片 |
4 | Trachea, biopsy | 氣管切片 |
4 | Hairy Epitheloma | 毛髮上皮瘤 |
4 | Ureter, biopsy | 輸尿管切片 |
4 | Urinary Bladder, biopsy | 膀胱切片 |
4 | Vagina, biopsy | 陰道切片 |
4 | Common Warts | 尋常疣 |
4 | Perineum, biopsy | 會陰切片 |
3 | Abortion, induced | 人工流產 |
3 | Abscess | 膿瘍 |
3 | Aneurysm, arterial/ventricular | 動脈瘤 |
3 | Anus, tag | 肛門息肉 |
3 | Appendix, other than incidental | 闌尾炎 |
3 | Artery, athermatous plaque | 粥狀動脈硬化 |
3 | Bartholin's Gland Cyst | Bartholin氏囊腫 |
3 | Bone Fragments, other than pathologic fracture | 非病理性骨折之骨碎片 |
3 | Bursa/Synovial Cyst | 關節囊腫 |
3 | Carpal Tunnel Tissue | 腕部隧道症 |
3 | Cartilage Shavings | 軟骨刮削 |
3 | Cholesteatoma | 膽脂瘤 |
3 | Colon, Colostomy Stoma | 結腸造口術 |
3 | Conjunctiva, Biopsy, Pterygium | 結膜切片/翼狀胔肉 |
3 | Cornea | 角膜 |
3 | Diverticulum – Esophagus/Small Intestine | 食道及小腸憩室病 |
3 | Dupuytren's Contracture Tissue | Dupuytren's contracture |
3 | Femoral Head, other than fracture | 股骨頭(非骨折性) |
3 | Fibrous Lipoma | 纖維脂肪瘤 |
3 | Fistula | 廔管 |
3 | Foreskin, other than newborn | 包皮(包皮炎,尖狀濕疣) |
3 | Gallbladder | 膽囊 |
3 | Ganglion Cyst | 腱鞘囊腫 |
3 | Hematoma | 血腫 |
3 | Hemorrhoids | 痔瘡 |
3 | Hydatid of Morgagni | Morgagni囊 |
3 | Intervertebral Disc | 椎間盤突出 |
3 | Joint, Loose Body | 關節游離體 |
3 | Meniscus | 關節半月板 |
3 | Mucocele | 黏液囊腫 |
3 | Neuroma – Morton's/Traumatic | 外傷性神經瘤 |
3 | Pilonidal Cyst/Sinus | 藏毛廔管 |
3 | Polyps, Inflammatory – Nasal/Sinusoidal | 鼻腔及鼻竇發炎性息肉 |
3 | Skin – cyst, tag, debridement | 皮膚囊腫/皮膚息肉/皮膚清創術 |
3 | Soft Tissue, debridement | 軟組織清創術 |
3 | Soft Tissue – Lipoma | 脂肪瘤 |
3 | Spermatocele | 精液囊腫 |
3 | Tendon/Tendon Sheath | 肌腱 |
3 | Testicular Appendage | 睪丸附屬器官 |
3 | Thrombus | 血栓 |
3 | Tonsil and/or Adenoids | 口腔及鼻咽扁桃腺或腺樣組織 |
3 | Varicocele | 精索靜脈曲張 |
3 | Vein, varicosity | 靜脈曲張 |
3 | Vas Deferens, other than sterilization | 輸精管(非結紮) |
2 | Appendix, incidental removal | 附帶切除之闌尾 |
2 | Foreskin, phimosis | 包皮(包莖) |
2 | Hernia Sac, any location | 疝氣囊 |
2 | Hydrocele Sac | 陰囊水腫 |
2 | Vagus Nerve, stomach resection | 胃迷走神經切除 |
2 | Skin, plastic repair | 皮膚(整形修復) |
2 | Sympathetic Ganglion | 交感神經結 |
2 | Testis, castration | 睪丸(閹割性睪丸切除) |
2 | Fingers/Toes, amputation, traumatic | 創傷性之指頭截肢 |
2 | Fallopian Tube, sterilization | 結紮之輸卵管 |
2 | Vaginal Wall, incidental removal | 附帶切除之陰道壁 |
2 | Vas Deferens, sterilization | 輸精管結紮 |