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Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition

Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition

Pediatric gastroenterology primarily focuses on the care of children with gastrointestinal, liver, and biliary tract related diseases in both the emergency department and inpatient setting. This includes acute and chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain, constipation, gastrointestinal bleeding, esophageal and gastrointestinal functional disorders and diseases, abdominal tumors, various liver and biliary tract diseases such as acute and chronic hepatitis, fatty liver, biliary atresia, choledochal cyst, gallstones, liver and biliary tract tumors, pancreatic diseases, and other digestive system diseases. Nutritional issues and diseases include growth retardation, selection of infant formula and complementary foods, feeding difficulties, obesity, and pediatric nutritional consultation and referral.


Undergraduate special examinations include:

Pediatric ultrasound

Through this non-invasive diagnostic tool, common gastrointestinal diseases can be diagnosed, including abdominal pain, fatty liver, abnormal liver function, and more. It can also diagnose other abdominal emergencies such as intestinal obstruction, appendicitis, peritonitis, intra-abdominal abscess, abdominal tumors, and more. The undergraduate program has a dedicated pediatric ultrasound room, which provides real-time examinations and one-stop service for same-day visits and examinations. In the dedicated pediatric ultrasound room, children can complete the examination with a relaxed mindset, and parents can receive reports and explanations on the day of the examination.


Pediatric endoscopy

Although it is an invasive tool for gastrointestinal examination, it can be performed painlessly throughout with the cooperation of anesthesiology. In addition to diagnostic endoscopy, including gastroscopy, colonoscopy, small bowel endoscopy, and capsule endoscopy, endoscopy can also be used to detect Helicobacter pylori, perform tissue biopsy examination, treat esophageal varices by ligation, remove intestinal foreign bodies, perform polypectomy and tumor resection in the digestive tract, and various hemostatic treatments.

Image description: Through collaboration with anesthesiologists, children can complete painless endoscopic examinations in a comfortable and safe environment.


24-hour esophageal pH monitoring is the most accurate test for diagnosing gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).


Hydrogen breath test for diagnosis of lactose intolerance and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.

Various gastrointestinal pathogen tests including rapid detection of rotavirus, adenovirus, Clostridioides difficile, and other pathogens can be performed by bringing a stool sample for immediate testing.


In collaboration with the departments of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, we provide various imaging services for the digestive system, bile ducts, abdomen CT and MRI, urea breath tests, gastrointestinal bleeding exams, etc. In collaboration with Pediatric Surgery, we offer rectal suction biopsy examinations, pediatric percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) procedures, and various surgeries for liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and gastrointestinal diseases. Our excellent surgical techniques and postoperative care have also benefited many children who need liver transplants due to chronic liver diseases.

Image description: Through multi-disciplinary cross-team collaboration, the record for the youngest liver transplant was successfully achieved.


The Pediatric Gastroenterology Department at Taipei Veterans General Hospital often participates in domestic and international conferences, exchanging ideas with experts and frontline physicians from various fields to benefit more sick children.



If you experience the following symptoms, you can consult a pediatric gastroenterologist:

  1. Guidance on breastfeeding and infant formula, correct use of various therapeutic formulas and nutritional supplements, introduction of complementary foods, and proper nutritional guidance for older infants and children.
  2. Delayed growth, protein-energy malnutrition, underweight, and anorexia in children of all age groups.
  3. Childhood obesity, high blood lipids, and fatty liver.
  4. Cow's milk or food allergies (symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and bloody stools after feeding milk or allergenic foods).
  5. Infantile colic (infants cry excessively, especially in the evening or at night).
  6. Spitting up or vomiting in infants (such as gastroesophageal reflux, infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, etc.).
  7. Abdominal bloating, vomiting, and constipation in infants and young children (such as congenital megacolon, intestinal neuronal dysplasia, intestinal motility disorders, etc.).
  8. Difficulty with bowel movements in infants and young children (such as anal fissures, hard stools, several days without a bowel movement, etc.).
  9. Acute gastroenteritis (vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, etc.).
  10. Chronic diarrhea (postenteritis diarrhea syndrome, celiac disease, severe malnutrition, etc.).
  11. Acute abdominal pain (intestinal obstruction, acute appendicitis, incarcerated hernia, etc.).
  12. Chronic abdominal pain (intractable constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic gastritis, chronic duodenitis, functional abdominal pain syndrome, etc.).
  13. Peptic ulcers (gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers, Helicobacter pylori infection, etc.).
  14. Vomiting blood or black stools (upper gastrointestinal bleeding), bloody stools (lower gastrointestinal bleeding).
  15. Generalized edema or eyelid edema (protein-losing enteropathy, etc.).
  16. Jaundice or pale yellow-gray stools (infantile hepatitis syndrome, biliary atresia).
  17. Various liver and biliary diseases (differential diagnosis of delayed jaundice, bacterial or viral hepatitis, congenital biliary cyst, Wilson's disease, liver and biliary diseases caused by other organ lesions).
  18. Any other disease related to nutrition, digestion, absorption, and metabolism of the gastrointestinal, liver, biliary, pancreatic, and other related systems.

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