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Pediatric Infectious Diseases

Pediatric Infectious Diseases

Pediatric Infectious Diseases

Key services:

Diagnosis and treatment of allergy and infection-related diseases for both outpatient and inpatient patients.

Rapid pathogen diagnosis: such as adenovirus rapid screening, respiratory syncytial virus rapid screening.

Antibiotic control review: to reduce the misuse of antibiotics.

Infection control, COVID-19 prevention.

Providing allergy testing.


Allergen Analyzer


36-Specific Allergen Immune Test

NO. English Chinese
1 Latex 乳膠
2 Avocado 酪梨
3 Pork 豬肉
4 Beef 牛肉
5 Milk 牛奶
6 Cheddar Cheese 起士
7 Shrimp
8 Crab 螃蟹
9 Clam 蚌殼類
10 Codfish 鱈魚
11 Tuna 鮪魚
12 Peanut 花生
13 Soybean 黃豆
14 Wheat (Food) 小麥
15 Brewer's Yeast 啤酒酵母
16 Egg Yolk 蛋黃
17 Egg White 蛋白
18 Chicken Feathers 雞毛
19 Bermuda Grass 狗牙根
20 Willow, Black 黑柳
21 Eucalyptus 尤加利
22 Japanese Cedar 日本杉
23 White Mulberry 白桑
24 Pigweed 莧科
25 Ragweed Mix I 豕草混合
26 Timothy Grass 牧草
27 Alternaria 交錯黴菌屬
28 Aspergillus 麴菌屬
29 Cladosporium 芽枝菌屬
30 Penicillium 青黴菌屬
31 Cat 貓毛
32 Dog 狗毛
33 Housedust 家塵
34 Cockroach Mix 蟑螂混合
35 Mite DF 美洲塵蟎
36 Mite DP 歐洲塵蟎


If you have the following symptoms, you may consider seeking an allergy and infectious disease specialist consultation:

  1. Acute fever, cold, cough (such as prolonged cough that doesn't heal)
  2. Unexplained fever (such as Kawasaki disease), rash
  3. Pneumonia, otitis media, sinusitis, mold infection, wheezing (respiratory asthma)
  4. Urinary tract infection, acute gastroenteritis
  5. Arthritis, cellulitis
  6. Allergic rhinitis, asthma, and atopic dermatitis, etc.
  7. Consultation for desensitization therapy



