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Dr. Shu-Zhi Yang was in charge of the pediatric surgical service during the years of 1963-1971 at Taipei Veterans General Hospital after its establishment in 1958. In 1977, the Division of Pediatric Surgery was officially founded by Dr. Chou-Fu Wei and he served as our founding Division Chief from 1977 to 2003. Trainees of this time period included Dr. Hou-Chuan Chen (former Chief of the Department of Surgery at Taichung Veterans General Hospital), Dr. Chun-Ting Lai, Dr. Tso-Jen Yeh, Dr. Tai-Wai Chin and Dr. Chin-Su Liu.


In 2003, Dr. Chou-Fu Wei was promoted to the Chief of the Department of Surgery. Dr. Tai-Wai Chin succeeded as the Division Chief from 2003-2015. Graduates of this period included Dr. Hsin-Lin Tsai, Dr. Ming-Yu Hsieh (currently Division Chief of Pediatric Surgery in Chung Shan Medical University Hospital), Dr. Jih-Teng Lee, Dr. Cheng-Yen Chen (currently attending surgeon at our Division of Transplant Surgery), Dr. Jen-Bin Wang (currently attending surgeon at Division of General Surgery and Pediatric Surgery at Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital) and Dr. Kuo-Chiang Wang. Dr. Chin-Su Liu succeeded as the Division Chief from May 2015 and Dr. Tai-Wei Chin retired to Vice Superintendent at Changhua Christian Hospital. In 2020, Dr. Chin-Su Liu was transfered to be the Director of Transplant Surgery, and Dr. Hsin-Lin Tsai took over as  Director of Pediatric Surgery. 


At present, in addition to providing pediatric surgical service, we strive to advance in the field of liver transplantation and pediatric tracheal surgery. We will continue to develop thoracoscopic/laparoscopic pediatric surgery, small bowel transplantation and to promote academic research.

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