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Senior Division Chief Pharmacist

Chin-Chin Ho (何沁沁)

Chin-Chin Ho (何沁沁) Ph.D., RPh.

    Address:  Department of Pharmacy, Taipei Veterans General Hospital
                     No. 201, Sec.2, Shih Pai Rd.,Taipei 112, Taiwan
    Telephone:  886-2-2871-2121 ext 4219
    Email:  [email protected]

  Senior public pharmacist (highest level), Department of Pharmacy, Taipei Veterans General Hospital
  Deputy Executive Secretary, Institutional Review Board, Taipei Veterans General Hospital
  Member, Medical Ethics Committee, Taipei Veterans General Hospital
  Member of Committee, Human Research Protection Center, Taipei Veterans General Hospital
  Director, Taipei Pharmacists Association
  Deputy Secretary General, Taiwan Society of Health-System Pharmacists
  Committee member, Continuing Education Review Committee, Taiwan Society of Health-System Pharmacists
  Reviewer, Formosa Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
  Review auditor, Human Research Ethics Committee and Subject Protection Center, Joint Commission of Taiwan
  Certified teacher, Clinical Medical Staff Training Program, Joint Commission of Taiwan
  Committee member, Continuing Education Review Committee, Federation of Taiwan Pharmacists Associations
  Editorial Board Member, publication monthly of Taipei Veterans General Hospital
  Editorial Board Member, Medical Education Newsletter, Taipei Veterans General Hospital
  Associate Editor, Journal of Hospital Pharmacy

  2012-2021  Institute of Environmental and Occupational Health Science,
                      National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan (Ph.D.)
  2008-2010  Institute of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, National Yang Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan (MS)
  1993-1997  College of Pharmacy, Taipei Medical University , Taipei, Taiwan

  2011-present  Lecturer, College of Pharmacy, Taipei Medical University

  2023-present  Deputy Secretary General, Taiwan Society of Health-System Pharmacists
  2014-present  Reviewer, Committee of Education, Taiwan Society of Health-System Pharmacist
  2014-present  Member of education committee, Taiwan Society of Health-System Pharmacist
  2011-present  Director, Taiwan Pharmacists Association

  2010-2018  Division Chief of Compounding, Taipei Veterans General Hospital
  2007-2010  Leader of pharmacist 
  2006-2009  Clinical pharmacist, stroke intensive care
  2004-2009  Clinical pharmacist, Allergy, Immunology and rheumatism division
  1998-2004  Dispensing pharmacist 

  Clinical pharmacy, Pharmacoepidemiology

  Smart drug delivery management device. Patent No. M634276 Taiwan

  1. Chinese-English bilingual medicine bag labels, National Medical Competition Special Award and Patient Safety Special Award
  2. Chinese-English bilingual medicine bag labels, Excellence Award, Participation and Suggestion System of Various Agencies of the Executive Yuan
  3. Innovative medicine bag labeling, National Biotechnology and Medical Quality Award
  4. Drug appearance and packaging and data query system, Honor Award, Participation and Suggestion System of Various Agencies of the Executive Yuan
  5. Initiated the query system of drug bare agent and inner, middle and outer packaging, Comprehensive Medical Quality Improvement Potential Award, Joint Commission of Taiwan
  6. Reduce Accidents of Chemotherapy Injection Infusion Spills, Special Award, the Total Quality Management Competition, Taipei Veterans General Hospital
  7. Reduce Accidents of Chemotherapy Injection Infusion Spills, Taipei City Health Bureau Medical Safety Quality Improvement Award
  8. The 4th Outstanding Pharmaceutical Personnel, Taipei City
  9. Outstanding Member of the Year, Taiwan Society of Health-System Pharmacists

  6 SCI papers, 50+ articles


