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2022 期刊論文

2022年國際 SCI 論文

編號 篇名 作者 期刊 卷期
1 The impact of antimicrobial stewardship program designed to shorten antibiotics use on the incidence of resistant bacterial infections and mortality Huang LJ, Chen SJ, Hu YW, Liu CY, Wu PF, Sun SM, Lee SY, Chen YY, Lee CY, Chan YJ, Chou YC, Wang FD Sci Rep 2022;12(1):913
2 Retinal Circular RNA hsa_circ_0087207 Expression Promotes Apoptotic Cell Death in Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy-like Models Yang YP, Chang YL, Lai YH, Tsai PH, Hsiao YJ, Nguyen LH, et al Biomedicines
3 Compassionate Treatment of Brainstem Tumors with Boron Neutron Capture Therapy: A Case Series Chen YW, Lee YY, Lin CF, Huang TY, Ke SH, Mu PF, et al Life-Basel 2022;12(4):566
4 Cardiovascular Medication Use and Risk of Acute Exacerbation in Patients with Asthma-COPD Overlap (CVACO Study) Su VY, Ko SW, Chang YL, Chou YC, Lee HC, Yang KY, Chou KT, Hsu CC Allergy Asthma Immunol Res 2022;14(3):314-27
5 Impact of a Clinical Decision Support System on Inappropriate Prescription of Glucose-lowering Agents for Patients with Renal Insufficiency in an Ambulatory Care Setting Li YJ, Lee WS, Chang YL, Chou YC, Chiu YC, Hsu CC Clin Ther 2022;44(5):710-22
6 Drug-Drug Interaction with Cyclosporine and Anti-Hepatitis C Virus PrOD regimen of Paritaprevir/Ritonavir-Ombitasvir and Dasabuvir in Organ Transplant Recipients with Severe Liver Fibrosis or Cirrhosis Huang YY, Huang YH, Wu TH, Loong CC, Hsu CC, Chou YC, Chang YL Ther Drug Monit 2022;4(3):377-83
7 Drug-related problem characterization and the solved status associated factor analysis in a pharmacist-managed anticoagulation clinic Wung JC, Lin HC, Hsu CC, Lin CC, Wang SY, Chang SL, Chang YL PLoS One 2022;17(8):0270263
8 Sofosbuvir-based direct-acting antivirals and changes in cholesterol and low density lipoprotein-cholesterol Wang YK, Wang YW, Lu CL, Huang YH, Hou MC, Chang YL, Lee WP, Lan KH Sci Rep 2022;12(1):9942
9 Optimal stroke preventive strategy for patients aged 80 years or older with atrial fibrillation: a systematic review with traditional and network meta-analysis Lee KH , Chen YF, Yeh WY, Yeh JT, Yang TH, Chou CY, Chang YL, Wang WT, Chiang CE, Chen CH, Cheng HM Age Ageing 2022;51:afac292


2022年非 SCI 論文






1 如何規劃與設計藥學OSCE教案 王明業、周千瀅 醫院藥學 2022; 39:1-5
2 器官移植術後病例接種疫苗之建議 許櫻寶、王笙帆、陳奇良 醫院藥學 2022; 39:6-12
3 疑似azathioprine引起嗜中性白血球低下 李蕎安、蔡涵怡 醫院藥學 2022; 39:13-18
4 低分子量肝素用於預防COVID-19重症病人栓塞之探討 黃偉倫、何沁沁 醫院藥學 2022; 39:19-27
5 以左心耳封堵術預防心房顫動再次中風之病例用藥探討 翁如潔、王斯郁 醫院藥學 2022; 39:28-33
6 慢性淋巴性白血病之治療 林子超、王笙帆、何沁沁 醫院藥學 2022; 39:42-49
7 Colchicine用於預防心血管事件 陳柏瑋、何沁沁 醫院藥學 2022; 39:50-57
8 非心因性缺血型腦中風之抗血小板藥物治療 黃冠慈、陳寬軒、周千瀅 醫院藥學 2022; 39:58-68
9 Vancomycin用於嚴重抗藥性金黃色葡萄球菌之治療監測指引 黃聿璿、王笙帆、何沁沁 醫院藥學 2022; 39:69-77
10 首度嘗試運用團隊導向學習結合案例教學法搭配角色扮演於藥學實習生之藥學倫理教學 周千瀅 醫院藥學 2022; 39:82-90
11 重症肌無力之病例用藥探討 黃冠慈、陳寬軒、蔡涵怡 醫院藥學 2022; 39:91-100
12 預防化療引起的輸注反應之病例用藥探討 胡晉嘉、王笙帆、蔡涵怡 醫院藥學 2022; 39:101-107
13 Cilostazol用於中風次級預防 王明業、陳寬軒、朱佩欣 醫院藥學 2022; 39:108-114
14 粒線體異常引發MELAS syndrome之治療 吳建興、王笙帆、周千瀅 醫院藥學 2022; 39:115-121
15 Tocilizumab用於嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎之角色 林益生、王笙帆、何沁沁 醫院藥學 2022; 39:122-130
16 淺談COVID-19疫苗與治療引起的心臟不良反應 陳靜玟、王笙帆、何沁沁 醫院藥學 2022; 39:131-135
17 重症病人使用氫離子幫浦阻斷劑預防壓力性潰瘍之探討 黃偉倫、周千瀅 醫院藥學 2022; 39:136-140

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