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Division Chief of Compounding

Wan-Shih Lee (李婉詩) M.S.,RPh.

  Address: Department of Pharmacy, Taipei Veterans General Hospital No. 201, Sec.2, Shih Pai Rd.,Taipei 112, Taiwan
  Telephone: +886-2-2871-2121 ext. 7757
  Email: [email protected]

  2018-present  Division Chief, Compounding Division, Department of Pharmacy, Taipei Veterans General Hospital

  2002-2004  Institute of Pharmacology, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan (M.S.)
  1998-2002  School of Pharmacy, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (B.S.)

  2011-present  Instructor, Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science

  2013-2018  Chief pharmacist, Department of Pharmacy
  2006-2013  Clinical pharmacist, intensive care unit, nerphorlogy
  2004-2006  Dispensing pharmacist

  Clinical pharmacy, pharmacotherapy, pharmacology

