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2019 Asia Excellence in Hospital Pharmacy Training Program


2019 Asia Excellence in Hospital Pharmacy (AEHP) Training Program for Vietnamese Hospital Pharmacists

Taipei Veteran General Hospital (TVGH)- National Yang-Ming University (NYMU) Joint Program

Time: October 25-31, 2019

Venues: Department of Pharmacy, TVGH; Faculty of Pharmacy, NYMU, Taipei, Taiwan.

Total Number of Attendee: 10

Registration: August 1, 2019- August 31, 2019

Registration fee/traveling/lodging: complimentary

Online Registration:                    

Contact email: [email protected]


Hospital pharmacy practice is one of the most important sections in pharmacy practice because of the severity and complexity of patients’ condition cared by these institutions. The complexity of hospital pharmacy practice is unimaginable without the introduction to concrete concepts and real-world demonstrations. There are two areas of practice in hospital pharmacy. The first one is the clinical pharmacy practice, the other is medication management. As a modern hospital pharmacy, practicing soundly in both areas are essential for achieving the best result for patient safety. Excellence in clinical pharmacy practice is to make sure that the patients receive optimal and evidence-based drug treatment. Excellence in medication management is to make sure that the patients receive right drugs which are of the best quality. The Joint FIP/WHO guidelines on good pharmacy practice (GPP): standards for quality of pharmacy services has been published in 2011. [] This guideline is a general guidance for establishing a quality pharmacy service. By transmitting concrete concepts, sharing true experiences, and observing real practices in the hospital pharmacy in Taiwan, the hospitals in developing countries from other areas in Asia could have tangible experience to sense how GPP could be achieved. 

National Yang-Ming University (NYMU), having the advantage in close proximity of Taipei Veteran General Hospital (TVGH) and Koo Foundation Sun Yat-Sen Cancer Center (KFSYSCC) and its own affiliated teaching hospital in Yi-Lang (NYMUH), can coordinate the pharmacists with first-hand experience in every special area (e.g. purchasing & selecting drug products, delivery of drug products to ambulatory & hospitalized patients, clinical practices in patient care, etc.) for lecturing and 3 different types of hospitals for variety of approaches to achieve GPP. Particularly, NYMU Faculty of Pharmacy has developed the first and only national hazardous drug (HD) handling certification program for pharmacists by using the HD dispensing simulation laboratory in the University Campus. The HD handling is also a very important and compelling issue for the developing countries in Asia to prevent the exposure of HD to the health care professionals, protect the care giver surrounding the patients, and safeguard the environment from contamination by the toxic wastes.



  • Be familiar with WHO/FIP GPP and the ways to achieve the standards through lectures
  • Directly observe the operation of hospital pharmacy in 3 different types of hospitals to realize the variable ways to achieve GPP standards.
  • Through lectures and manipulation in simulation laboratory, the concepts and hands-on experiences in risk management and preparation of HD are comprehended.


  • Medication Management: medication distribution system, medication procurement and inventory Control, sterile product preparation, continuing professional development, clinical pharmacy service.
  • Clinical pharmacy practice: direct observation of daily routine of a clinical pharmacist.
  • HD handling: definition of HD, risk management: handling HD, closed system transfer devices, preparation, waste management.


Course Schedule



Lecture/Site visit/Practice

Oct 25


Overview of GPP and Introduction of Hospital Pharmacy in Taiwan


Medication Distribution System


Visit Taipei Veteran General Pharmacy

Oct 26


Medication Management, Procurement and Inventory Control


Sterile Product Preparation


Visit KFSYSCC Pharmacy

Oct 27


Clinical Pharmacy Services


Continuing Professional Development


Visit NYMU hospital Pharmacy

Oct 28


Visit Needleless Corporation (Yang-Mei)


Visit Global Medical Solutions Taiwan, Ltd. (Taipei)

Oct 29


Concept in hazardous management


Hazardous drug handling lectures (1)

Oct 30


Hazardous drug handling lectures (2)


HD preparation practice (1)

Oct 31


HD preparation practice (2)


Take off


