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2015 年

日期 通告編號 藥名 治療分類 備註


Cosmegen "Orphan" # inj 500 mcg (Dactinomycin) Antineoplastic agent, antibiotic 兒童醫學部專案進口供特定病患使用
2015-01-02 1657 Combivir * tab (Lamivudine 150mg + Zidovudine 300mg) 卡貝茲 錠(複方) Antiretroviral, nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) 1.疾管署自104 年1月1 日起取消實物給付,並調降支付價格,改由醫院自行採購。
2.取代Combivir "CDC" * tab
2015-01-09 1659 Obinutuzumab inj 1000 mg/40 ml (Obinutuzumab) Antineoplastic agent, monoclonal antibody 血液科專案進口
2015-01-09 1659 Eye Betason-N * oint 3g (Betamethasone 2 mg/g + Neomycin 3.5 mg/g) 比達爽 眼用軟膏 3公克(複方) Anti-inflammtory agent, corticosteroids and antibiotics 開放皮膚部使用
2015-01-09 1659 Oftalmolosa gentamicin * oint 0.3% 5 g (Gentamicin) 愛康明 眼藥膏 0.3% 5公克(紫菌素) Aminoglycoside antibiotic 開放皮膚部使用
2015-01-09 1659 Atanaal * cap 5 mg (Nifedipine) 壓達能 軟膠囊 5毫克(尼菲迪平) Antihypertensive agent, calcium channel blocker 廠商恢復供應
2015-01-27 1660 Biperin * tab 2 mg (Biperiden) 帕金寧 錠 2毫克(比培立汀) Anticholinergic, antiparkinsonism  
2015-01-27 1660 LH-RH inj 0.1 mg/1 ml (Gonadorelin acetate) 黃體形成荷爾蒙分泌荷爾蒙 注射液 0.1毫克/1毫升 Diagnostic agent, for pituitary function 專案進口藥品
2015-01-27 1660 TRH inj 0.5 mg/1 ml (Protirelin) 促甲狀腺激素釋放荷爾蒙 注射劑 0.5毫克/1毫升 Diagnostic agent, for thyroid function 健保恢復給付
2015-02-10 1662 Omezol lyo-inj 40 mg (Omeprazole) 瘍寧 凍晶注射劑 40毫克(奧美拉唑) Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) 恢復採購
2015-02-10 1662 Albuminar-25 * inj 25% 50ml (Normal human serum albumin) 人體血清白蛋白 注射液 25% 50毫升 Hematological agent, blood proteins  
2015-03-02 1664 NeoProfen * inj 20 mg/2 ml (Ibuprofen lysine) NSAIDs, propionic group 兒童醫學部專案進口
2015-03-02 1664 Human albumin * inj 20% 50 ml (Normal human serum albumin) 血清蛋白 注射劑 20% 50毫升(人體血清蛋白) Hematological agent, blood proteins  
2015-03-02 1664 Compound glycyrrhiza mixture 120 ml (BM) 複方甘草合劑 120毫升(複方) Antitussive and expectorant 恢復採購
2015-03-02 1664 Claforan iv * inj 500 mg (Cefotaxime sodium) 可活能 靜脈注射劑 500毫克(使治他新) 3nd generation cephalosporin 第141 次藥事會恢復採購,取代Claforan iv inj 250mg
2015-03-02 1664 Meletin * cap 100 mg (Mexiletine) 脈律循 膠囊 100毫克(每息禮延) Cardiovascular agents, antiarrhythmics, class IB 第 141 次藥事會決議以不指廠方式進用PIC/S GMP 藥廠藥品
2015-03-30 1665 Opdivo inj 100 mg/10 ml (Nivolumab) Antineoplastic agent, monoclonal antibody 血液腫瘤科專案進口供特定病患使用
2015-03-30 1665 Opdivo * inj 20 mg/2 ml (Nivolumab) Antineoplastic agent, monoclonal antibody 血液腫瘤科專案進口供特定病患使用
2015-03-30 1665 Alcohol inj 99.5% 5 ml (Alcohol) 酒精 注射劑 99﹒5% 5毫升 Sclerotherapy 第 140 次藥事會決議以不指廠方式進用PIC/S GMP 藥廠藥品
2015-03-30 1665 Convulex soft * cap 300 mg (Valproic acid) 康癲能 軟膠囊 300毫克 Anticonvulsant 廠商恢復供應
2015-03-30 1665 Biperin * tab 2 mg (Biperiden) 帕金寧 錠 2毫克(比培立汀) Anticholinergic, antiparkinsonism  
2015-04-02 1666 Proleukin for * inj 18 Miu "X" (Aldesleukin, Interleukin-2) Antineoplastic and biological response modifier 血液科專案簽核供特定病患使用
2015-04-02 1666 Anesvan #* iv inj 500 mg/50 ml (Propofol) 安舒麻 注射劑 10毫克/毫升(普帕芙) General anesthetics, sedative, hypnotics 自104年3月26日變更為第4 級管制藥品
2015-04-02 1666 Propofol-Lipuro iv #* inj 1% 20 ml (Propofol 100 mg/ml) 普洛福 靜脈注射液 1% 20毫升 General anesthetics, sedative, hypnotics 自104年3月26日變更為第4 級管制藥品
2015-04-02 1666 Relenza rotadisk 5 mg 20's & diskhaler "CDC" (Zanamivir) 瑞樂沙 旋達碟 5毫克 Antiviral, neuraminidase
2015-04-02 1666 Tamiflu cap 75 mg "CDC " (Oseltamivir) 克流感 膠囊 75毫克 Antiviral,
2015-04-14 1668 Procal tab 667 mg (Calcium acetate) 普羅鈣 錠 667毫克(醋酸鈣) Calcium salt, phosphate binder  
2015-04-14 1668 Ferrous Gluco-B SC tab (Ferrous gluconate 300mg+ Vit C+ B1) 維他葡萄糖鐵 糖衣錠(複方) Antianemia agent, trace elements, iron preparations and vitamins  
2015-04-14 1668 Foxone oph * susp. 0.02% 10 ml (Fluorometholone 0.2 mg/ml) 好視多 眼用懸浮液 0‧02% 10毫升 Antiinflammatory agent, corticosteroids, intraocular  
2015-04-14 1668 Harvoni FC tab 90 mg/400 mg (Ledipasvir + Sofosbuvir) Antivirus 胃腸科專案進口供特定病患使用
2015-04-23 1669 Calgalin tab 667 mg (Calcium acetate) 鈣佳磷 錠 667毫克(醋酸鈣) Calcium salt, phosphate binder  
2015-04-23 1669 Miacalcic inj 50 iu/ml 1 ml (Calcitonin) 密鈣息 注射液 50國際單位/毫升 1毫升 Parathyroids, hypercalcemia 取代Calcinin * inj
50 iu/ml 1 ml
2015-05-01 1670 Antol "Y.Y." eye * drops 1% 5 ml (Atropine sulfate) 安妥 眼藥水 1% 5毫升(阿托品) Anticholinergic agent, mydriasis and cycloplegia  
2015-05-07 1671 Striverdi Respimat sol for inh 2.5mcg/puff 60puff (Olodaterol) 適維樂 舒沛噴 吸入劑 2‧5微公克 Bronchodilator, beta2-adrenergic agonist 1.第141次藥事會決議常備進用
2.停用Buventol easyhaler 200 mcg/d 200d 及Bricanyl
turbuhaler 0.5 mg/d 200d
2015-05-07 1671 Ocillina powder for * inj 500 mg (Oxacillin sodium) 歐西林鈉 乾粉注射劑 500毫克(扼塞青黴素) Penicillinase-resistant penicillin  
2015-05-07 1671 B.C. * cream 10 g (Lindane) 美西 乳膏 10公克 Scabicides and pediculicides  
2015-05-13 1672 Avastin "Switzerland" * inj 25 mg/ml 4 ml (Bevacizumab) 癌思停 注射劑 100毫克 Antineoplastic agent, monoclonal antibody 取代Avastin “Germany” inj 100 mg/4 ml
2015-05-22 1675 Sovaldi FC tab 400 mg (Sofosbuvir) Antivirus 胃腸科專案進口供特定病患使用
2015-06-01 1677 Dexilant DR cap 60 mg (Dexlansoprazole) 得喜胃通 緩釋膠囊 60毫克 Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) 第140 次藥事會決議進用
2015-06-01 1677 Edarbi tab 40 mg (Azilsartan medoxomil) 易得平 錠 40毫克 Angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARBs) 第141次藥事會決議常備進用
2015-06-03 1678 Scabi cream 10 g (Gamma benzene hexachloride) 息疥 軟膏 10公克(γ─六氯苯) Scabicides and pediculicides 廠商恢復供應
2015-06-03 1678 Top-Cal tab 500 mg "Self-pay" (Calcium carbonate) 佳鈣 錠 500毫克(碳酸鈣) Calcium supplement 廠商恢復供應
2015-06-03 1678 K-citrate * granules 5 g (Pot citrate 3300mg + Citric acid 1002 mg) 結石清 顆粒 5公克(複方) Alkalinizing agent  
2015-06-09 1679 Daivobet ointment 30 g (Calcipotriol 50 ug + Betamethasone 0.5 mg) 得膚寶 軟膏劑 30公克 Topical skin product, vitamin D analog 第143次藥事會恢復採購
2015-06-09 1679 Aminol-K # inj 500 ml (Amino acid 3%) 胺美樂瑞 注射液 500毫升(胺基酸3%) Parenteral nutrients, protein  
2015-06-18 1680 Xeljanz FC tab 5 mg (Tofacitinib) 捷抑炎 膜衣錠 5毫克 Antirheumatic agent, janus associated kinase inhibitor 第142 次藥事會決議常備進用
2015-06-26 1681 U-Vanco * inj 1000 mg (Vancomycin) 優凡可 注射劑 1公克(汎克黴素) Antibacterial, glycopeptide  
2015-06-26 1681 Fleet enema 133 ml (Sodium phosphate (monobasic + dibasic) 樂利 灌腸液 133毫升 Laxatives  
2015-06-26 1681 Proctosedyl *oint 15g (Hydrocortisone 5mg+Cinchocaine HCl 5mg) 保痔寧 軟膏 15公克(複方) Local antipruritic, anesthetic and anti-inflammatory agent  
2015-07-03 1682 Immufine * cap 250 mg (Mycophenolate) 異莫分 膠囊 250毫克 Immunosupressant agent, inhibition of inosin monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH) 第142次藥事會決議常備進用
2015-07-03 1682 Ultibro 110/50ug 30's & breezhaler (Indacaterol + Glycopyronium) 昂帝博 吸入膠囊 110/50微公克(複方) Anticholinergic agent and beta agonist 第142次藥事會決議常備進用
2015-07-03 1682 Morphine sulfate #>* tab 15 mg (Morphine sulfate) 硫酸嗎啡 錠 15毫克(硫酸嗎啡) Opioid analgesic 第 143 次藥事會決議常備進用,停止採購Morphine
HCl #>* tab 10 mg
2015-07-03 1682 Stelara soln for inj 45 mg/0.5 ml/PFS (Ustekinumab) 喜達諾 注射液 45毫克/0﹒5毫升 Immunological agent, monoclonal antibody 第143 次藥事會決議取代Stelara“USA” Inj 45
2015-07-14 1683 Zostavax inj 0.65 ml (Zoster virus vaccine live) 伏帶疹 活性帶狀?疹疫苗 0‧65毫升 Varicella-zoster virus vaccine, live 廠商調降售價
2015-07-14 1683 Betmiga PR tab 25 mg (Mirabegron) 貝坦利 持續性藥效錠 25毫克 Genitourinary tract drug, selective beta-3 agonist 第142次藥事會決議常備進用
2015-07-14 1683 Eliquis FC # tab 5 mg (Apixaban) 艾必克凝 膜衣錠 5毫克 Anticoagulant, selective direct factor Xa inhibitor 第142次藥事會決議常備進用
2015-07-14 1683 Evac enema 118/bot 意福 灌腸液 118毫升(複方) Saline laxative 廠商恢復供應
2015-07-14 1683 Magvac oral sol 250 ml 鎂福 內服液 250毫升 Saline laxative 廠商恢復供應
2015-07-23 1684 Kytril FC tab 1 mg (Granisetron) 康您適強 膜衣錠 1毫克 Selective 5-HT3 antagonists 第143次藥事會決議恢復採購
2015-07-23 1684 Parmason-C granule 1 g "Self-pay" (Vitamin C, ascorbic acid) 寶爾潔白 顆粒 1公克 (維生素C) Vitamin C 重症醫學部進用供特定病患使用
2015-07-23 1684 Zinga * tab 78 mg (Zinc gluconate) 鋅寶 錠 78毫克(葡萄酸鋅) Trace element 重症醫學部進用供特定病患使用
2015-07-23 1684 Silver sulfadiazine * cream 1% 400 g (Silver sulfadiazine) 皮復健 乳膏 1% 400公克(銀磺胺嘧啶) Local anti-infective agent, topical 供特定病患使用
2015-07-23 1684 Metisone * tab 4 mg (Methylprednisolone) 蒙治爽 錠 4毫克(甲基培尼皮質醇) Long-acting glucocorticoid 廠商恢復供應
2015-07-23 1684 Nystatin vag tab 100000 u "YS" (Nystatin) 寧司泰定 陰道錠 10萬單位 Antifungal agent 廠商恢復供應
2015-07-31 1685 Daklinza tab 60 mg (Daclatasvir) Antivirus 胃腸科專案進口供特定病患使用
2015-07-31 1685 Sunvepra cap 100 mg (Asunaprevir) Antivirus 胃腸科專案進口供特定病患使用
2015-07-31 1685 Teiria * gel 10% 40 g (Etofenamate) 思舒 酸痛凝膠 10% 40公克(伊妥芬那邁) Anti-inflammatory agents, NSAIDs, anthranilic acid, topical 第143次藥事會決議常備進用,停止採購Teiria * gel
10% 20 g
2015-07-31 1685 Methylene Blue inj 10mg/ml 10 ml (Methylene Blue) 甲烯藍 注射液 10毫克/毫升 10毫升 Thiazine dye 毒物科申請之罕見疾病藥品
2015-07-31 1685 Keytruda for inj 50 mg (Pembrolizumab) Antineoplastic agent, monoclonal antibody 血液科專案進口供特定病患使用
2015-08-06 1686 Halaven soln for # inj 0.5 mg/ml 2 ml (Eribulin) 賀樂維 注射液 0﹒5毫克/毫升 2毫升 Antineoplastic agent, antimicrotubular 第142次藥事會決議常備進用
2015-08-06 1686 Leuplin Depot 3M SC * inj 11.25 mg (Leuprorelin acetate) 柳菩林 三個月持續性藥效皮下注射劑 11.25毫克 Antineoplastic agent, luteinizing hormone releasing hormone agonist 第143次藥事會決議常備進用,停止採購Leuprolide
acetate inj 5 mg/ml 2.8 ml
2015-08-06 1686 Kintropine eye * drops 0.25% 5 ml (Atropine sulfate) 舒視平 點眼液 0﹒25% 5毫升(阿托品) Anticholinergic agent, mydriasis and cycloplegia  
2015-08-06 1686 Viekira Pak (4's) (Ombitasvir/Paritaprevir/Ritonavir + Dasabuvir) Antivirus 胃腸科專案進口供特定病患使用
2015-08-12 1688 Tamiflu "France" * cap 75 mg (Oseltamivir) 克流感 膠囊 75毫克 Antiviral, neuraminidase inhibitor 取代Tamiflu cap 75 mg
2015-08-12 1688 Clobesol * cream 0.05% 5 g (Clobetasol) 可必爽 水溶性軟膏 0.05% 5公克(可洛貝他索丙酸) Corticosteroids, very high potency 廠商恢復供應
2015-08-12 1688 Eurotech urea cream 400 mg/g 30 g (Urea) 歐婷嫩滋 乳膏 40% 30公克(尿素) Keratolytic agent 廠商恢復供應
2015-08-12 1688 Kelfer cap 500 mg (Deferiprone) 康鐵寧 膠囊 500毫克 Heavy metal chelator-antagonist, iron chelating agent 廠商恢復供應
2015-08-12 1688 Requip PD PR * tab 2 mg (Ropinirole) 力必平 持續性藥效膜衣錠 2毫克 Parenteral nutrients, protein 廠商恢復供應
2015-08-12 1688 Vepesid #* cap 50 mg (Etoposide) 滅必治 軟膠囊 50毫克(依妥普賽) Antineoplastic agent, mitotic inhibitor 廠商恢復供應
2015-08-28 1690 Esmya tab 5 mg (Ulipristal acetate) 恩惜膜 錠劑 5毫克 Sex hormones and modulators of the genital system, progesterone receptor modulator 第143次藥事會決議常備進用
2015-09-07 1691 Esmya tab 5 mg (Ulipristal acetate) 恩惜膜 錠劑 5毫克 Sex hormones and modulators of the genital system, progesterone receptor modulator 第143次藥事會決議常備進用
2015-09-07 1691 Colomycin * inj 1 MIU (Colistimethate sodium) Antibiotic 專案進口供病患使用
2015-09-07 1691 Propofol-Lipuro "N" iv #^* inj 1% 20 ml (Propofol 10 mg/ml) 普洛福-立靜 靜脈注射液 1% 20毫升 Central nervous system agent, general anesthetics 第141次藥事會決議取代Propofol-Lipuro iv #^* inj 1% 20 ml
2015-09-07 1691 Torisel inj 25 mg/ml (Temsirolimus) 多你壽 濃縮注射劑 25毫克/毫升 Antineoplastic agent, mTOR kinase inhibitor 改由化療藥局調配
2015-09-07 1691 Caphos * tab 667 mg (Calcium acetate) 鈣臨 錠 667毫克(醋酸鈣) Calcium salt, phosphate binder 廠商恢復供應
2015-09-07 1691 Lilitin * tab 300 mg "LITA" (Lithium carbonate) 鋰利靜 錠 300毫克(碳酸鋰) Antimanic 廠商恢復供應
2015-09-07 1691 Onealfa tab 0.5 mcg (Alfacalcidol) 旺爾華 錠 0.5微公克(維生素D) Vitamin D3, fat soluble vitamins 廠商恢復供應
2015-09-30 1692 Benazon oint 20 g "Kingdom" 平痔隆 軟膏 20公克(複方) Antipruritic, ethanolamine antihistamine and local anesthetic 廠商恢復供應
2015-09-30 1692 Trental tab 100 mg (Pentoxifylline) 循能泰 糖衣錠 100毫克(配妥西菲林) Hemorrheologic agents 廠商恢復供應
2015-09-30 1692 Santone "Winston" oph * soln 1% 5 ml (Atropine sulfate)  善瞳 眼藥水 1% 5毫升(阿托品) Anticholinergic agent, mydriasis and cycloplegia 取代Antol eye * drops 1% 5 ml ”應元”
2015-10-19 1694 AdimFlu-S susp for inj 0.5 ml (Inactivated influenza vaccine) 安定伏 裂解型流感疫苗 0‧5毫升 Influenza virus vaccine 自費流感疫苗
2015-10-19 1694 Tropine eye * drop 0.5% 10 ml (Atropine sulfate) 雅托平 眼藥水 0.5% 10毫升(阿托品) Anticholinergic agent, mydriasis and cycloplegia 替代 Atropine oph * sol 0.5% 10 ml “五福”
2015-10-19 1694 Provigil "X" ^* tab 200 mg (Modafinil) CNS stimulant 替代Provigil tab 200 mg 100’s/bt “DSM”
2015-10-19 1694 Proternol-L "SP" #* inj 0.2 mg/1 ml (L-Isoproterenol) Beta blocker, non-selective 替代Proternol-L inj 0.2 mg/1 ml (B012225209)
2015-10-29 1695 Trilipix MR * cap 135 mg (Choline fenofibrate) 利落脂寧 緩釋膠囊 135毫克 Fibric acid derivatives 第143次藥事會決議常備進用
2015-10-29 1695 Fluarix Tetra susp. for inj 0.5ml (Inactivated influenza vaccine) 伏適流 0‧5毫升 Influenza virus vaccine 自費流感疫苗
2015-10-29 1695 Vaxigrip vaccin 0.5 ml/syrg. (Inactivated influenza vaccin) 巴斯德流感疫苗 0‧5毫升 Influenza virus vaccine 自費流感疫苗
2015-11-05 1696 Perjeta for infusion 420 mg (Pertuzumab) 賀疾妥 注射液 420毫克 Antineoplastic agent, monoclonal antibody, anti-HER2 廠商調降售價
2015-11-05 1696 Augmentin FC * Tab 1 g (Amoxicillin 875 mg + Clav. 125 mg) 安滅菌 膜衣錠 1公克(複方) Aminopenicillin and beta-lactamase inhibitor 廠商恢復供應
2015-11-05 1696 Melquine oint 40 mg/g 10 g (Hydroquinone) 美白軟膏 40毫克/公克 10公克(斑潔) Hyperpigmentation Agent 廠商恢復供應
2015-11-05 1696 Menphencala * lotion 100 ml "Self-pay" (Calamine) 美膚可樂 洗劑 100毫升/瓶(卡拉明) Antipruritics and local anesthetics 廠商恢復供應
2015-11-05 1696 Yutopar tab 10 mg (Ritodrine) 妳得寶 錠 10毫克 Beta2-adrenergic agonist, uterine relaxant, direct-acting sympathomimetic agent 廠商恢復供應
2015-11-30 1697 Akana * cream 50 mg/g 7 g (Benzoyl peroxide) 愛康娜 軟膏 50毫克/公克 7公克(本溶塞) Keratolytic agent 廠商恢復供應
2015-11-30 1697 Vanconin ^* tab 2 mg/PTP (Diazepam, Valium) 煩可寧 錠 2毫克(二氮平) Sedative and hypnotic, benzodiazepine 廠商恢復供應
2015-12-04 1698 Compound glycyrrhiza mixture 120 ml (BM) 複方甘草合劑 120毫升(複方) Antitussive and expectorant 廠商恢復供應
2015-12-04 1698 Evoltra con. for sol for # infu 20 mg (Clofarabine) 宜保安 濃縮輸注液 20毫克 20毫升 Antineoplastic agent, antimetabolite (purine) 廠商調降售價
2015-12-04 1698 Sovaldi FC tab 400 mg (Sofosbuvir) Antivirus 廠商調降售價
2015-12-16 1699 Clobex * shampoo 500 ug/g 60 ml (Clobetasol propionate) 柔倍絲 藥用頭皮洗劑 500微公克/公克 60毫升 Corticosteroids, topical 第142 次藥事會決議常備進用
2015-12-16 1699 Salic oint 25 mg/g 10 g (Salicylic acid) 速立康 軟膏 25毫克/公克 10公克(水楊酸) Keratolytic agent 廠商恢復供應
2015-12-30 1700 Benamine cap 50 mg VPP (Diphenhydramine) 去敏 膠囊 50毫克(二苯安明)     H1-antihistamines, piperidine derivatives 廠商恢復供應
2015-12-30 1700 Furoxime for * inj 1.5 g "ST" (Cefuroxime) 福樂欣 注射劑 1‧5公克(頭孢福辛、希福辛) 2nd generation cephalosporin 廠商恢復供應
2015-12-30 1700 Indalgin cap 25 mg VPP (Indomethacin) 炎得淨 膠囊 25毫克(引朵美洒辛、因多美沙信) NSAIDs, acetic acid group 廠商恢復供應
2015-12-30 1700 Sodium acetate inj 20 ml 醋酸鈉 注射液 4MEQ/ML Nutrients and electrolytes 廠商恢復供應
2015-12-30 1700 Harvoni FC tab 90 mg/400 mg (Ledipasvir + Sofosbuvir) Antivirus 廠商調降售價

