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Our Services


This center cooperates with various departments of the hospital (such as Department of Orthopedics, Department of Surgery, Department of Nursing, nursing, Department of Family Medicine... etc.), which can connect and integrate medical services in real time; at the same time, working together with the hospital’s services of integrated care and long-term care, the center seamlessly integrates long-term care, acute post-care and discharge preparation services in order that patients can better adjust their lives after discharge. In addition, in conjunction with other units (schools, non-profit organizations, and businesses) to offer assistive-device-related professional courses and conduct clinical practice education and training, so that the center staff can obtain the most cutting-edge information and knowledge on orthopedics, orthotics, and assistive devices, and maintain the innovative sensitivity with respect to assistive devices. In addition, interdisciplinary meetings are held from time to time, with the theme of thinking about and developing new assistive devices and components, with a view to enhancing the innovation, research, and development with respect to assistive devices.

In the feedbacks received from patients during the adaptation or adjustment of clinical assistive devices, the center has discovered and evaluated the feasibility of improvement, progress, and innovation of assistive devices, cooperated with the government's policy of long-term care, promoted academic research on assistive devices, and enhanced and consolidated the competitive advantages of our assistive devices. We actively research and develop new and strengthened assistive devices, and combine academic research, human factors engineering, and industrial design to innovate insoles, auxiliary woods, prostheses, bearing tubes, and long-term life assistive devices. Our team has also been awarded the 5-year program of "Assistance Technology Development, Testing and Research" by the National Army Retired Officers and Soldiers Counseling Committee, which covers "Innovative Development and Testing of Long-term Assistive Devices", "Design, R&D and Performance of Full Contact Insole Materials Evaluation Research”, “Achilles Tendon Lengthening Surgery, Customized Shoe Insole or Rehabilitation Therapy for Forefoot Pressure Reduction Test” and “Lower Limb Prosthetic Membrane Removal Technology and Modular Components Development and Prosthetic Cylinder Pressure Test Research ".

Our team integrates five characteristics: medical rehabilitation, counseling and evaluation of needs for assistive devices, as well manufacturing and repair of assistive devices. Our team also travels around the country to offer counseling and repair services. Our team consists of rehabilitation doctors, orthopedic surgeons, occupational and physical therapists, social workers, and prosthetists. Our mission is to make assistive devices warm partners in life. We integrate the resources of long-term care, social welfare for the disabilities, and veterans and offer services to help people in need of assistive devices to regain the capability to live independently and live a high-quality life. Our products include ready-to-use products (such as wheelchairs and walkers), and custom-made products (such as prostheses and orthoses). Our services include diagnoses, counseling, evaluation, rehabilitation, and repair. We serve not only the patients in Taipei Veterans Hospital, but also all people in need. In 2021, our center has been awarded with the Bronze Award of National Biotechnology and Medical Care Quality Award.

The five innovative characteristics of our services are:

1. Multidisciplinary and continuous care

2. Custom-made services

3. Resource sharing and cooperation

4. Development and innovation of assistive devices

5. Tour service around the country

The center also applies 3D printing technology to assistive devices. 3D printing aids are roughly divided into customized aids and universal design aid prototypes according to their purposes. According to biomechanics and physiology, the 3D printing team discusses patient’s (user's) functional disadvantages with physicians and medical teams, in order to design the most suitable assistive device (auxiliary equipment). After the functional requirements are met, the team applies professional knowledge to make use of the characteristics of 3D printing to customize the design according to the needs of the patient (user), and can also customize the beautiful shell for patients who use prosthetics. Or, for patients with special needs, the 3D printing team can design prosthetic elbow joints, rehabilitation aids, polio or valgus arch pads, etc. In addition, for patients with distal radius fractures, 3D printing materials can be used to replace plaster aids with the advantage of lighter weight. In short, 3D printing aids benefit users whose aids are too special to be taken care of.

2021 SNQ-the Bronze Award of National Biotechnology and Medical Care Quality Award

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