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Endocrinology & Metabolism

Endocrinology and Metabolism

Clinical Elective program for International Medical Students

Nov. 2015


The Endocrinology and Metabolism Division at Taipei Veterans General Hospital offers a comprehensive integrated program of clinical services and training program for both primary and tertiary care of adults with a broad variety disorders including diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and other hormonal diseases like, osteoporosis, pituitary dysfunction, adrenal disorders, sexual and reproductive disorders, hirsuitism, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and hypoglycemia.


1. Since diabetes mellitus comprise the largest population of our patients, it is crucial to know the disease in a comprehensive manner, including pathophysiology, classification, risk factors, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, evaluation of complications, treatment plan, most up-dated choices of medication, and even how to work with our Diabetes care team members, such as nursing staff, dietician for patient education.

2. Learn the indications, mechanisms, and interpretation of endocrine tests, such as glucagon stimulation, ACTH stimulation, LH-RH test, captopril test, prolong fasting test, etc.

3. Learn to identify and manage endocrine emergencies, ie. Diabetic ketoacidosis, hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state, thyroid storm, myxedema coma, and adrenal crisis.

Available Supervisors

  • Harn-Shen Chen, M.D. PhD.
  • Tjin-Shing Jap, M.D.
  • Ho Low-Tone, M.D.
  • Justin, Ging-Shing Won, M.D. PhD.
  • Ching-Fai Kwok, M.D.
  • Chii-Min Hwu, M.D.
  • Kuang-Chang Shih, M.D.
  • Kuo, Chin-Sung, M.D.
  • Liang-Yu Lin, M.D. PhD.
  • YiChun Lin, M.D.

Tentative Schedule


1.Participate in resident work rounds and attending teaching rounds.

2.Attend core-lecture, case conference and journal meetings.

3.Visit examination rooms, and learn simple skills of performing Fundus exam, PVR for diabetes patients evaluation.



1.Participate in resident work rounds and attending teaching rounds.

2.Attend core-lecture, case conference and journal meetings.

3.Visit out-patient department.



1.Participate in resident work rounds and attending teaching rounds.

2.Attend core-lecture, case conference and journal meetings.

3.Participate in thyroid sonography exams. Learn basic skills of thyroid sonography, fine needle aspiration, and cytology interpretation.



1.Participate in resident work rounds and attending teaching rounds.

2.Attend core-lecture, case conference and journal meetings.

3.Join our endocrine examination, including prolong fasting test, glucagon test, ACTH stimulation test, GnRH test, insulin infusion test, etc.


1.MINI-CEX performed by supervisors.

2. Classic endocrinology case presentation or Journal reading.


1.Williams textbook of Endocrinology. Shlomo Melmed et al, 12th edition, 2011.

2. Endocrinology: Adult and Pediatric. Jameson & Degroot. 7th edition, 2015.

3.Greenspan’s Basic & Clinical Endocrinology. David G. Gardner, Dolores Shoback. 9th edition, 2011.


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