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Frequent Asked Questions





  • Accommodations

The Taipei VGH Residential Hall is located in the east of the hospital within a 5-minute walk. The Housing Office is on the first floor of the Residential Hall; however, it is closed on holidays and weekends (Saturdays and Sundays). Therefore, please check-in on Mondays after 8:10 A.M.

Please note that starting from 2016, our residential hall will be renovated for several years. Not all types of rooms are available in the process of renovation. The Department of Medical Education, therefore, will not guarantee any availability but provide the housing information as follows. Please arrange your accommodation before you arrive.

Trainees are allowed to apply for the shared room.

  1. Four to six people are accommodated in one room.
  2. Loft beds with beds separated.
  3. Bathrooms are within the same floor, but may not be in the rooms.
  4. Please bring your own hair dryer or purchase one after your arrival.
  5. The rooms have no heat, but are air conditioning.
  6. Laundry facilities are equipped on each floor.
  7. Men and women stay at different floors.
  8. There are water dispensers in every floor, but No cooking is allowed.
  9. No visitors are allowed to stay. If they do, we will call the police, terminate your elective or study, and leave TVGH with no hesitation.
  10. It costs NT$3,400 per person per month.

The housing fee should be paid at Taipei VGH Cashier Office, the basement of Chung-Cheng Building. It is non-refundable and the Cashier Office receives cash in New Taiwan Dollars only.


  • Certificate

The hospital gives no credit to international students.  If requested, certification will be available upon the completion of the elective training for a fee of NT200 (English version).


  • Evaluation

Your supervisor or supervisors will be in charge of the evaluation on your school’s request. Please let your supervisors know in advance.


  • Financial Resources

The hospital provides no financial support for any expenses incurred with the elective courses referred.  The applicants have to find their own resources to back up, for example, living, traveling, and any form of insurance and coverage needed.


  • Meal Services

Several kinds of meals are served in the food court (Life Plaza) in the hospital, including Chinese cuisine, Italian cuisine and western fast food, etc…
Discount is offered to students and trainees as well, with hospital ID presented. Employee cafeteria card is available for purchase at section of cashier.


  • Transportation

To take a taxi from Taoyuan International Airport, please click

To use other public transportation, please refer to

For taking Taipei MRT, please click

Our hospital is located within a 15-minute walk from Shipai Station. It is highly recommended, however, to take Taipei City Bus 508, 601, & 224 from Shipai Station to TVGH Eastern Branch. Those buses will stop right in front of the Medical Research Building (Chih Teh Building). The Department of Medical Education offices are on the 4th Floor.


  • Tution Fee
  1. For international students
    4 weeks 6 weeks 8 weeks
    NT$10,000 NT$15,000 NT$20,000
  2. For residents: NT$20,000/month.
  3. For doctors (attending physician): decided by the training department. Information will be provided when the application is accepted or approved.
  4. For nurse: NT$5,000/day.
  5. Fee for management of training-related affairs is NOT refundable and should be paid by cash in New Taiwan Dollars only. 


  • Uniform

White uniform (coat) must be self-prepared.


  • Visa

Applicants should manage themselves to get valid visa and passport to cover the whole length of the study period.  Taipei VGH can help upon the request, but is not under any obligation to assure anything to do with legitimacy, for which the applicants have to take the full responsibility.


  • Weather

To get information on the weather of Taipei City, or any travel information of the country, please visit





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