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About Us

Teaching at Taipei VGH

As a national medical center, Taipei VGH has three-fold missions of providing high quality services, education and research. Recognizing that effective clinical education lays the foundation for future development of medical manpower, we established the Department of Medical Education for ongoing improvement, both intra- and extra-hospital, of clinical education.

Taipei Veterans General Hospital is also the main teaching hospital of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) and National Defense Medical Center in Taiwan. Each year we accept thousands of students and professionals from medical schools and other hospitals, not limited to the above two institutions, and provide them with a variety of observership, internship or CME training programs.

Interns' Graduation Picture, 2016
Interns' Graduation Picture, 2016


Since 1990’s, recognizing that Taiwan’s medical development was none second to many other countries and that Taipei Veterans General Hospital, through decades of efforts, has ranked as highly prestigious hospital in the world, we opened our arms to international applicants for the variety of clinical training programs. 

For foreign trainees, the Ministry of Health and Welfare of the government established the guidelines in 2010 and 2011 for the teaching hospitals that provide international training programs. These golden rules comprise the base for Taipei VGH to steer our international programs. For example, the programs we offer to the international trainees are basically observership training in nature.

