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DNA Parentage Test

DNA Parentage Test


A parentage test is a type of DNA test that is used to determine the biological relationship between a child and their alleged parent or parents. The test analyzes the genetic material (DNA) of the child and the alleged parent(s) to see if they share any genetic markers or variations.

There are different types of parentage tests, but the most common one is the paternity test, which is used to determine the biological father of a child. A paternity test usually involves collecting DNA samples from the child, the alleged father, and sometimes the mother. The DNA samples are then analyzed to determine if the alleged father is biologically related to the child. The analysis is based on the fact that a child inherits half of their genetic material from their biological mother and half from their biological father.

In our DNA parentage test, autosomal short tandem repeats (STRs) typing was used to study the 18 loci in addition to analysis of X- or Y- chromosome STR and mitochondria sequence analysis.

Determination of blood relationships, e.g., parent-child, siblings, half siblings, grandparent-child, uncle –niece, etc.


The DNA analysis involves comparing certain genetic markers in the child's DNA with those of the alleged father. If the genetic markers match, then the alleged father is considered to be the biological father of the child. According to the regulations of the Immigration Department, our DNA paternity test with a greater than 99.99 percent of certainty fulfills the requirement for applying dependent visa. If there is no match, then the alleged father is excluded as the biological father of the child.


Please inform us: name, birth date, identity card or passport number, address, telephone. Consultation time: 08:00~11:30/13:30 ~ 17:00. Phone: (02) 2871-2121 ext 3824, e-mail:[email protected]

Sampling: Usually blood sample or oral mucosa sample will be used. Three mL in adult and 0.5-1 mL in child will be drawn. If the client received allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, hair roots will be collected.



Parentage tests can be performed for legal or personal reasons. Legal parentage tests are often required in cases of child support, custody disputes, and immigration applications. Personal parentage tests may be requested for curiosity, peace of mind, or to establish family relationships. It's important to note that parentage tests have ethical and legal implications, and it's essential to seek professional advice before undergoing the test.


Estimated Cost

The procedure cost:

Parentage test for the relationship between parents and child: 14,450 NTD per person.

Additional test needed for the relationship of siblings, the relationship of aunt/uncle to niece/nephew.

X- or Y-chromosome STR: 3,400 NTD per person.

Mitochondria DNA analysis: 5,950 NTD per person.

Prices are subject to change without prior notice, and need to pay in accordance with the actual medical expenses.

