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Hsia Cheng-Yuan


Cheng-Yuan Hsia  


Current Position

- Now, Attending surgeon , Division of general surgery and transplantation,Department of Surgery, Taipei Veteran General Hospital , Taipei, Taiwan

- Now, Associate professor of surgery, National Yang-Ming University Faculty of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan

- Now, Deputy Superintendent, New Taipei City Hospital, , New Taipei City Government,


M.D., School of Medicine, National Yang-Ming Univeristy, Taipei, Taiwam,


-  Director, academic affairs of Department of Surgery, Taipei Veterans General Hospital,

-  Principal investigator of surgery resident training program, Department of surgery, Taipei Veteran General Hospital,

-  Visiting Surgeon, Dumont UCLA liver transplant center,

-  Attending Surgeon, Taipei Veterans General Hospital,

-  Associate Professor of Surgery, NYMU,

-  Surgical Resident , Taipei Veteran General Hospital,

-  Chief Surgical Resident , Taipei Veteran General Hospital,

Medical Expertise

General surgery  
Hepatobiliary surgery
Liver transplantation
Breast surgery


Board of Surgery, Taiwan
Board of Taiwan Surgical Society of Gastroenterology

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