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Program Overview

The First Year (R1)

Residents are exposed to numerous impatient rotations in each subspecialty, including peripheral neurology, epilepsy, cerebrovascular diseases, and general neurology. The service team basically comprised of one attending physician, one senior resident, one junior resident, and sometimes with interns and clerks. The first year residents also take chances to learn in the outpatient teaching clinics. This helps residents build confidence in neurologic examination skills, differential diagnosis, diagnosis and management of diseases, and patient care.

The Second Year (R2)

The second year present the opportunity for the residents to diversified inpatient and laboratory learning courses. In the impatient rotations, the second year residents serve as the senior residents in the service team, who is the leading role in caring for a variety of patients admitted from the emergency room, the outpatient clinic, transferred from the Neurological Critical Care Unit or other hospitals.

In the outpatient teaching clinics, the residents approach to the patient under the supervision of the attending physician. Required rotations include neuromuscular/EMG and epileptology/EEG for one month respectively. During the second and third year, residents are required to complete rotation sessions in other specialty, including two months of psychiatry, one month of rehabilitation medicine, one month of pediatric neurology, and one month of elective session. Several choices are provided as elective session, such as neurosurgery, neuroradiology, neuropathology, geriatric medicine, basic neuroscience and the diagnostic laboratory. Residents are encouraged to develop specific clinical interest and devoted in the research.


The Third Year (R3)

During the third year, one month is spends in Neurological Critical Care Unit, where the residents are trained to make more complex diagnostic and decision-making.

In addition to inpatient services, the third year is reinforced in training the outpatient clinical skill, and the consultation service. In consultative session, the senior residents are responsible for evaluating consultations from emergency room, and participate in some of the consultations from diverse medical, intensive care and surgical services at the hospital.

Trainees can investigate in areas of particular interest. With the guidance of the teaching attending, residents learn to accomplish some case reports, review articles, and original journals. The residents also act as mentors to the junior residents, interns, and other members of the medical team, under the direct supervision of an outstanding teaching attending.

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