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Psychiatric Nursing


Psychiatric Nursing


Our psychiatric ward was founded in August 1979, running 98 acute beds, 130 adult and youth day ward beds currently. Through application of psychiatric nursing care, individual or group therapy, the patient are trained to enhance their self-care, daily living, or coping skills. By the remodeling of their behavioral patterns, their independence and adaptation to the society are promoted. Features of our works are listed below:

1. Diverse therapeutic environments: Rebuild of self-esteem, social interaction, reminiscence group therapy, living groups and family groups are included.

2. Integration of medical rehabilitation and special education: To strengthen education system for students having emotional or behavioral disorders, by collaboration with the Department of Education.

3. Continuous community mental health care: Discharge planning services, outpatient clinic trace back and psychiatric home care provided.

4. Health promotion and disease prevention: Medication education, daily self-care skills, symptoms control and skills of stress adjustment educated.

5. Education and training programs: Training programs for nursing student internships, well organized and continuous in-service education of psychiatric specialty provided.


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