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Tung-Ping Su MD

Tung-Ping Su, M.D

Professor, division of psychiatry, school of medicine, National Yang-Ming University; Ex-vice superintendent, Taipei Veterans General Hospital

Tung-Ping Su

Dr. Tung-Ping Su is Professor and Chair of the Division of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, at the National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan and consultant for Taipei Veterans General Hospital (TVGH). Dr. Su graduated from National Defense Medical Center and received Psychiatry Residency Training Program at the Department of Psychiatry, TVGH.  He was then promoted to attending physician at the same program and, academically, was appointed as lecturer and followed by promoted to associate professor in Psychiatry at National Defense Medical Center three years later.  In 1983, Dr. Su went to the US and started his training at the Sleep Center of Baylor College of Medicine, Texas and received biochemistry and behavioral science research training at the Neuropsychiatry Institute of UCLA, California.  From 1986 through 1989, Dr. Su entered the second residency training program at the Department of Psychiatry of Medical College of Georgia.  To pursue his career in academia, Dr. Su entered the Fellowship Research Training Program at National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda from 1989 to 1996. He focused on mood disorders and male and female hormone research in the initial 2 years.  And subsequently, he received training in the field of schizophrenia and brain imaging. Dr. Su was then invited back to Taiwan to take the chairmanship at Department of Psychiatry of Cheng-Hsin Hospital in 1996.  Two years later, he was appointed as both Chairs of the Department of Psychiatry, TVGH and Division of Psychiatry, National Yang-Ming University.  During this period, he pursued his research interest to major depressive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and schizophrenia using epidemiology, brain imaging and endocrinology approaches.  In 2006, He was granted as Professor in Psychiatry due to academic performance.  He was then appointed as Vice Superintendent of TVGH, spending two years in administrative work before he retired in 2011. Dr. Su has continued his teaching, administration and research while held his academic Chair position at Division of Psychiatry, National Yang-Ming University up until now. He introduced new concept of diagnosis of bipolar disorders and new strategies in the treatment of medication resistant unipolar and bipolar depression such as repetitive transcranil magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and single or repeated infusions of ketamine.  Dr. Su is a member of several international academic societies such as SOBP, CINP, AsCNP and ISBD and has also served in leadership roles in several professional societies. He was the President of Taiwanese Society of Biological and Neuropsychopharmacological Psychiatry.  Currently, he is the President of Asian Society of Neuropsychopharmacology (AsCNP) since 2015. He has published over 100 scientific papers and also wrote several chapters of psychiatric books. 

