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Adult Psychiatry


Adult Psychiatry
The section of adult psychiatry was established in 1989 and is responsible for the clinical care, teaching, and research of adult mentally ill patients ranging in age from 22 to 64 years old. 
Currently, the adult psychiatric section has three attending psychiatrists: the section chief is Dr. Ying-Jay Liou (Assistant Professor). The other two attending psychiatrists are Dr. Shih-Jen Tsai (Professor) and Dr. Li-Yu Hu (Assistant Professor). 
Clinical Service

1. Acute psychiatric inpatient ward (comprised of 2/3 of a total of 98 beds). On average, we have 65 admissions per month.

2. Outpatient psychiatric services, including adult psychiatric, psycho-somatic, insomnia, and addition clinics. 

Teaching and training program
Our faculty members are responsible for teaching and training resident psychiatrists, post-graduate doctors, and clerks. The training for psychiatric residents is a four-year program with topics covering important aspects of psychiatry, including psychopathology, diagnostic interviewing, the formulation of psychiatric diagnoses and treatment plans, psychopharmacology, and the theory and practice of psychotherpay. 
Research and Innovations

The faculty members in the section are enthusiastic about promoting research and interdisciplinary collaborations with the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University . All members of the section are productive in the fields of molecular psychiatry, psychiatric genetics, neuroimaging, and biomarkers for psychiatric disorders and treatments. 

Dr. Tsai focuses on research in psychopharmacology, psychiatric genetics, and neuroimaging. 

Dr. Liou focuses on research in psychiatric genetics, pharmacogenomics, and behavioral genomics.

Dr. Hu's research focuses on the quantitative and qualitative application of psychotherapeutic theory and skills in the treatment of psychiatric disorders. 

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