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Psychosomatic Psychiatry

 Psychosomatic Medicine

Psychosomatic Medicine

The Section of Psychosomatic Medicine was initially organized as a task-oriented unit in of the Department of Psychiatry in Taipei Veterans General Hospital (TPVGH) in 1959 to take on all the requested psychiatric consultations from other Departments of TPVGH. The unit was transformed to an independent section in 2008. Dr. Yuan-Hwa Chou (周元華主任) acted as the first chief from 2008-2015. Currently, the section consists of chief Chen-Jee Hong (洪成志主任), an attending psychiatrist (Dr. Ying-Jay Liou, 劉英杰醫師) and 1-2 rotating senior resident trainee(s). The faculty of this section takes on the consultation requests from the doctors of TPVGH and investigates the inpatient suffering from behavioral, emotional, cognitive disturbances, delirium, delusions, interpersonal conflicts, drug/alchol abuse  or sleep problems, then gives suggestions, provide psychiatric interventions and follow up the outcome. This section has a psychologist who is specialized in psycho-oncology and always keeping close contact with the wards taking care of the patients with cancers.


In addition to clinical task, our division was also dedicated to research based on reflection on clinical practice. As a consulting department in general medical center, the research of this division crossed a variety of fields and play a role as the organizer between psychiatry and all other specialties. The publication of our division in recent 3 years was listed as following:


  1. Huang, W. S., Hsu, J. W., Huang, K. L., Bai, Y. M., Su, T. P., Li, C. T., ... & Chen, M. H. (2018). Post‐traumatic stress disorder and risk of osteoporosis: A nationwide longitudinal study. Stress and Health, 34(3), 440-445.
  2. Liou, Y. J., Wei, H. T., Chen, M. H., Hsu, J. W., Huang, K. L., Bai, Y. M., ... & Lin, W. C. (2018). Risk of traumatic brain injury among children, adolescents, and young adults with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in Taiwan. Journal of Adolescent Health, 63(2), 233-238.
  3. Chou, R. H., Lo, L. W., Liou, Y. J., Shu, J. H., Hsu, H. C., Liang, Y., ... & Chan, W. L. (2017). Antipsychotic treatment is associated with risk of atrial fibrillation: A nationwide nested case-control study. International journal of cardiology, 227, 134-140.
  4. Su, T. P., Chen, M. H., Li, C. T., Lin, W. C., Hong, C. J., Gueorguieva, R., ... & Krystal, J. H. (2017). Dose-related effects of adjunctive ketamine in Taiwanese patients with treatment-resistant depression. Neuropsychopharmacology, 42(13), 2482.
  5. Li, C. T., Chen, M. H., Lin, W. C., Hong, C. J., Yang, B. H., Liu, R. S., ... & Su, T. P. (2016). The effects of low‐dose ketamine on the prefrontal cortex and amygdala in treatment‐resistant depression: A randomized controlled study. Human brain mapping, 37(3), 1080-1090.
  6. Chou, R. H., Lo, L. W., Liou, Y. J., Shu, J. H., Hsu, H. C., Liang, Y., ... & Chan, W. L. (2017). Antipsychotic treatment is associated with risk of atrial fibrillation: A nationwide nested case-control study. International journal of cardiology, 227, 134-140.
  7. Wang, T. Y., Wei, H. T., Liou, Y. J., Su, T. P., Bai, Y. M., Tsai, S. J., ... & Chen, M. H. (2016). Risk for developing dementia among patients with posttraumatic stress disorder: a nationwide longitudinal study. Journal of affective disorders, 205, 306-310.


