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Ying-Sheue Chen

Ying-Sheue Chen, M.D

current position:

*Special outpatient teaching attending physician

*Director of Taiwan Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Association (2004-)

*Advisory Committee of Yangmingshan Teacher Study Center, Taipei City Bureau of Education

* Member of the Steering Committee of the Inter-Ministry Committee of the Halfway School of the Ministry of Education

*Consulting Physician for Psychiatry at Taipei Qizhi School

* Adjunct clinical professor-level teacher in the Department of Psychiatry, National Yangming Chiao Tung University

*Clinical Professor at National Defense Medical College



*Bachelor of Medicine, Taipei Medical University (1973)

*Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, UCLA Center for Neuropsychiatry


*Director of the Department of Psychiatry, Taipei Veterans General Hospital and *Director of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2010.6-2014.6) *

*Attending Physician, Department of Psychiatry, Taipei Veterans General Hospital (1978.07 -1989.01)

*Chairman of Taiwan Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Association (Third Session) (2002.01-2004.11)

*Researcher, Neuropsychiatric Center, UCLA (1986.07-1987.06)

*Chief Physician, Department of Neuropsychiatry, Taipei Veterans General Hospital (1977.07-1978.06)

*Resident Physician, Department of Neuropsychiatry, Taipei Veterans General Hospital (1976.07-1977.06)

*Resident Physician, Department of Internal Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital (1973.07-1976.06)



*Taiwan psychiatrist; Taiwan child and adolescent psychiatrist




1. Diagnosis and treatment of mental illness in children and adolescents (linked to adolescent mental health): including anxiety, phobia, depression, ADHD, Tourette's syndrome, developmental delay, autism, Asperger's schizophrenia, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder.

2. Diagnosis and treatment of adult mental illness (refer to insomnia and psychosomatic department): including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder (obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, traumatic syndrome), depression, and insomnia.

