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FAQ of Cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES)

FAQ of Cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES)


Q1: What is cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES)?

A1: CES is a treatment that applies a weak pulse current to the head. During the process, the ear clips are used to transmit the current to the brain via bilateral earlobes, so that the continuous weak current can reorganize the brain circuit. It is an adjuvant treatment for anxiety, depression, insomnia, pain and other symptoms. Nonetheless, it is still necessary to discuss the treatment with a physician.

Q2: Is it certified in Taiwan? Is it safe? Are there any side effects?

A2: The machine in our center is approved by the FDA and TFDA, which has been used in the United States for more than 35 years. There are fewer side effects for CES treatment. A small number of patients with sensitive skin may experience skin allergies at the earlobes contacting the ear clips. Some patients may experience mild dizziness (similar to being slightly drunk) and nausea. It will resolve after pausing the treatment and resting for a few minutes.

Q3: How long does it take for the treatment to work?

A3: Like pharmacological treatment and other treatments, people respond differently. Usually it takes three to six weeks before you start to notice the treatment effect. For it to work on those who have been taking medications for a long time, the treatment should be lengthened. It is recommended to use CES for at least one course of treatment, which includes 10 sessions, 40 minutes each. Consult your physician first.

Q4: Who is not suitable for CES therapy?

A4: Contraindications for CES therapy: those who wear pacemakers, pregnant women.

Q5: Can I stop my medications after the CES treatment?

A5: It takes some time for the CES treatment to gradually work. After that, please discuss in detail with your physician whether you can stop or reduce the medications. Do not change your medication by yourself.

Q6: Is the CES treatment covered by the National Health Insurance? How much does it cost?

A6: At present, the CES treatment is still fully self-paid. It costs NTD$6500 for a course of 10 sessions in our center.

Q7: How do I start the CES treatment?

A7: A thorough evaluation by a physician is mandatory before the treatment. If you have never visited the psychiatric department of our hospital, please see one of our physicians for evaluation and discussion first. Those who have visited the psychiatric department here before, please consult with your physician. (Register here)

Q8: Where is the treatment center for CES?

A8: The “Precision Depression Intervention Center'' is located on the Shih-Yuan Building 5F. (detailed map)

For more inquiries, contact us.
Precision Depression Intervention Center, Psychiatry Department
TEL: (02) 5570-2205
Open time: Monday to Friday 09:00~12:00 ; 13:30~16:30
Email: [email protected]

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