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Community&Rehabilitation Psychiatry

Community and Rehabilitation Psychiatry


Community and Rehabilitation Psychiatry


Rehabilitation psychiatry has a long and storied role in the history of TPVGH. This division was originally a functional unit responsible for psychiatric rehabilitation of the chronic mental disordered in 1980, when daycare services were provided. The section of community and rehabilitation psychiatry department (CRP) was formally established in 2003 and is responsible for a variety of psychiatric rehabilitation matters, including managing residual psychiatric symptoms, increasing self-care and friendship ability, providing pre-vocational training, and pushing patients to have a part-time or full-time job when they have potentials. We have an adult daycare ward that could accomodate about 80 patients. Dr. YC Lee is considered as the founder of the CRP and pushes the division to a multifunctional team. Our department is also awarded almost biennially by government for the quality services. Professor Cheng-Ta Li is now the chief of CRP since 2016. He is devoted to provide an integrated rehabilitation model for personalized psychiatric rehabiliation and pushes early returning back to normal for all patients who are receiving psychiatric rehabilitation at our daycare ward.  During his term, he provided many new programs from sub-speciality, such as neuropsychological rehabilitation program for cognitive enhancement by certificate psychologists.  


Currently, CRP division has three psychiatrists. The division chief is Professor Cheng-Ta Li (Professor). The other 2 psychiatrists are Dr. Wei-Chen Lin (PhD candidate), and Dr. Jiaa-Hsiun Cheng (also in charge of clinical matters in King-Men)

Teaching and Training Program

A complete rehabilitation training program could be available in our department. The full course provides opportunities to learn psychiatric services after acute-ward treatment, pre-vocational training, and vocational rehabilitation. In short, treatment is not only focusing on removing symptoms that are obstacles to a functional or satisfying life, CRP is devoted to build skills, to teach problem-solving skills, and crafting individual, social and occupational supports that are critical to a well-being. We also provide training for brain stimulation and functional neuroimaging.

Research and major directions

Our section is very productive and contributes more than 15 scientific papers each year. Chief Li focuses on multimodal neuroimaging techniques and brain stimulation (e.g., rTMS, TBS), Dr. Lin focuses on research of MRS and sleep matters, and Dr. Cheng is into women psychiatry and brain stimulation. 

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