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Substance use disorder (by KL Huang)

Substance Abuse and Addiction

                                                                                                                                         By KL Huang, M.D
 Modern view of addiction behavior is combination of compulsive and impulsive behaviors, with more of an emphasize on the psychic and motivational aspects of addictive behaviors, rather than the physical symptoms of addictions. For example, addicts “ want” the drugs, rather than “ like” the drugs; they have a strong desire or urge to use a substance, not only to avoid withdrawal symptoms of addiction, but the just cannot resist the craving. Accumulation data indicated that addiction is a brain disease. In the past 10 years, with the improvement of brain image techniques, series of studies showed that addictive drugs induces neuroplasticity in dopamine pathway ( rewarding pathway) : high but brief bursts of dopamine are required for addiction; chronic drug use down-regulates dopamine receptors and dopamine production: the “high” is blunted; lower dopamine levels impairs the control of impulsivity by prefrontal cortex; conditioned memories and stereotypic behaviors replaced the “high” as the driver. Importantly, addiction seems to emerge gradually, although the rate of this transition varies as a function of several factors, including
the type of drug (i.e., faster for methamphetamine and slower for cannabinoids),
 the pattern of exposure (greater for regular than occasional use)
the developmental stage (faster in adolescence than in adulthood).

 However, even though our understanding of addiction increased with time, people suffered from addiction, no matter addicted to drugs (illicit drugs or even prescription drugs) and/or alcohol, still struggle. Until now, no specific “drug” can efficiently treat drug/alcohol addiction. 
 Newer studies of addiction treatment , such as immunization strategy and genetic modification now gave us new hope. However, we have to keep in mind that addiction is more than a brain disease. Addictive drugs/ alcohol would definitely change our brain, however, in the very beginning, why these people tend to search for the comforts from substance, rather than family and friends? from connection with people? Thus, when we arrange treatment for patients suffered from addiction, both psychic and physical condition , medication and psychological intervention should be arranged at the same time. We should help them to keep calm and carry on.

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