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楊仁鄰 (Jen-Lin Yang)


  • Education
    • M.D., School of Chinese Medicine; China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan, 1996
    • M.M.S., Faculty of Medicine; National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2002
    • Ph.D., Faculty of Medicine; National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2012
  • Medical Expertise
    1. TCM gynecology, Chinese medicine, acupuncture, infertility,child physical conditioning, post-tumor surgery treatment



  1. Diem Ngoc Hong Tran, I-Hsuan Hwang, Fun-Jou Chen, Yuan-Pu Tseng, Ching-Mao Chang, Shih-Jen Tsai, Jen-Lin Yang, Ta-Peng Wu, Chung-Hua Hsu, Fang-Pey Chen, Yen-Ying Kung. Core prescription pattern of Chinese herbal medicine for depressive disorders in Taiwan: A nationwide population-based study. Integrative medicine research 10.3 (2021): 100707.
  2. Ching-Hsiung Liu, Tzu-Chen Yeh, Yen-Ying Kung, Hung-Pin Tseng, Ching-Ju Yang, Tzu-Yi Hong, Chou-Ming Cheng, Jen-Lin Yang, Ta-Peng Wu, Jen-Chuen Hsieh, Fang-Pey Chen. (2020). Changes in resting‐state functional connectivity in nonacute sciatica with acupuncture modulation: A preliminary study. Brain and Behavior, 10(2), e01494.
  3. Ching-Hsiung Liu, Yen-Ying Kung, Chun-Liang Lin, Jen-Lin Yang, Ta-Peng Wu, Hong-Chun Lin, Yang-Kai Chang, Ching-Mao Chang, and Fang-Pey Chen. Therapeutic Efficacy and the Impact of the “Dose” Effect of Acupuncture to Treat Sciatica: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study. J Pain Res. 2019; 12: 3511–3520.
  4. Chun-Chuan Shih, Chun-Chieh Yeh, Jen-Lin Yang, Hsin-Long Lane, Chien-Jung Huang, Jaung-Geng Lin, Ta-Liang Chen, Chien-Chang Liao. Reduced use of emergency care and hospitalization in patients with post-stroke cognitive impairment treated with traditional Chinese medicine. QJM-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICINE. 2019 (Accepted in press)(IF:3.204; R/C=30/155, MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL)
  5. Jen-Lin Yang, Ta-Liang Chen, Chun-Chieh Yeh, Chaur-Jong Hu, Chien-Chang Liao, Hsin-Long Lane, Chun-Chuan Shih. Acupuncture treatment and the risk of urinary tract infection in stroke patients: a nationwide matched cohort study. Acupuncture in Medicine. 2019 (Accepted in press) (IF:2.275; R/C=7/27,INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE)
  6. FP Chen, CM Chang, TP Wu, JL Yang, YY Kung,YH Huang, CW Su, KH Lan, SC Chiang, SJ Hwang. Clinical efficacy of Rong-Yang-Jyh-Gan-Tang on Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C: a Double-blinded Randomized Placebo-Controlled Crossover Study. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2017; 196(20); 1–8. (IF:3.115; R/C=37/223,PLANT SCIENCES)
  7. Jen-Lin Yang, Rong-Seng Chang, Fang-Pey Chen, Chang-Ming Chern, Jen-Hwey. Detection of hand tremor in patients with Parkinson’s disease using a non-invasive laser line triangulation measurement method. Measurement. 2016;79; 20–28.(IF:2.218; R/C=22/86,ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY)
  8. Chen FP, Chang CM, Shiu JH, Chiu JH, Wu TP, Yang JL, Kung YY, Chen FJ, Chern CM, Hwang SJ. A Clinical Study of Integrating Acupuncture and Western Medicine in Treating Patients with Parkinson's Disease. The American Journal of Chinese Medicine. 2015; 43(3): 407-423.(IF:3.120 ;  R/C= 3/27,INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE)
  9. Yang JL, Chen Jay SC, Yang YF, Chen JC, Lin CH, Chang RS, Tsao PJ, Chen FP, Chern CM, Tsai TH, Chiu JH. Neuroprotection effects of retained acupuncture in neurotoxin-induced Parkinson’s disease mice. Brain Behavior and Immunity.2011;25(7):1452-1459.(IF:6.306; R/C=25/261, NEUROSCIENCES)
  10. Chang, R-S, Chiu, J-H, Chen, F-P, Chen, J-C, Yang, J-L. A Parkinson’s Disease Measurement System Using Laser Lines and a CMOS Image Sensor. Sensor.2011; 11: 1461-1475.(IF= 2.475; R/C=16/61, INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION)
  11. Lee SH, Lu WA, Lee CS, Wang JC, Lin TC, Yang JL, Chan RC, Ko SC, Kuo CD. The therapeutic effect of collateral meridian therapy is comparable to acupoint pressure therapy in treating myofascial pain syndrome. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 2014;20; 243-250. (IF:1.701; R/C=13/27,INTEGRATIVE &  COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE)
  12. Yang JL, Chen GY, Kuo CD*. (Jun) Comparison of effect of 5 recumbent positions on autonomic nervous modulation in patients with coronary artery disease. Circ J. 2008; 72(6): 902-908.(IF:2.895; R/C=54/128,CARDIAC & CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEMS)
  13. Kuo CD,* Chen GY, Wang YY, Hung MJ, Yang JL. Characterization and quantification of the return map of RR intervals by Pearson coefficient in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Auton Neurosci Basic Clin. 2003; 105(2):145-52. (IF:2.895; R/C=158/261,CARDIAC & CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEMS)
  14. 張凱惟,張清貿,陳方佩,楊仁鄰*。攝護腺癌合病骨轉移疼痛之針刺治療病歷報告。台灣中醫醫學雜誌:2017年9月;15(2) : 5-16

Kai-Wei Chang,Ching-Mao Chang, Fang-Pey Chen Jen-Lin Yang* Pain Management of Bone Metastasized Prostate Cancer Using Acupuncture: A Case Report.2017: 15(2) : 5-16

  1. 楊仁鄰。從系統性回顧文獻的實證醫學觀點探討針灸相關療法對原發性痛經的療效。臨床醫學。2014(Feb):73(2);89-96
  2. Cheng-Deng Kuo,* Gau-Yang Chen, Yia-Yi Wang, Ming-Jung Hung, Jen-Lin Yang. Characterization and quantification of the return map of RR intervals by Pearson coefficient in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Auton Neurosci Basic Clin 2003;105(2):145-52. SCI
  3. 楊仁鄰、陳高揚、郭正典。俯臥姿對冠狀動脈疾病病人自主神經活性的效應 (The effect of prone position on the autonomic nervous activity in patients with coronary artery disease)。第十二屆國際東洋醫學大會。台北市:台北榮民總醫院,2003年11月9日。
  4. 楊仁鄰、陳高揚、郭正典。「餓鬼臥」的現代醫學研究。佛學與科學 2003 (Jan); 4: 32-44
  5. 楊仁鄰。先兆性流產的中西醫治療。中國中醫臨床醫學雜誌。2004(Dec): 10(4); 308-315.
  6. 楊仁鄰、陳方佩。攝護腺癌的中藥治療研究進展。臨床醫學。2005(Sep):56(3);181-185.



1. 2019 雷射針灸對更年期間婦女失眠的效應-隨機雙盲對照研究—計畫主持人

2. 2020 評估針灸對於化療引發週邊神經病變之療效:第三期隨機安慰組設計臨床試驗-協同主持人

3. 2021 使用臺北榮總大數據中心資料庫探討性早熟患者中醫治療利用與療效回溯分析-協同主持人

4. 2021 評估傳統醫學門診老年人衰弱症自動化檢測與針灸介入-協同主持人

5.2022 利用抗穆勒氏管激素anti-Mϋllerian hormone (AMH)血清值或不同表現型預測中藥治療不孕多囊性卵巢女性之療效: 前瞻性無隨機有對照的研究-計畫主持人
