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陳韋達 (Wei-Ta Chen)


  • Education
    • M.D., School of Medicine; National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan,
    • Ph.D, Institute of Neuroscience; National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan,
  • Career and Experience
    Current Positions:
    • - Now, Vice Superintendent, Keelung Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare,
    • - Now, Staff neurologist, Department of Neurology, Neurological Institute, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
    • - Now, Associate Professor of Neurology, School of Medicine, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan
    • - Now, Director, Taiwan Headache Society,
  • Medical Expertise
    1. Headache
    2. Fibromyalgia
    3. Parkinson's Disease and Dementia
    4. Electrophysiological and neuroimaging research
  • License
    1996/10 Physician in Taiwan 2001/10 Neurologist, Taiwan Board of Neurology 2009/10 Specialist of Acupuncture Medicine, Chinese Medical Association of Acupuncture (Taiwan) 2011/12 Consultant neurologist, Taiwan Board of Neurological Intensive Care




臺北榮總頭痛醫學團隊 台北榮民總醫院醫師研究論文獎





學術研究 :


年輕中風增多 高血壓、肥胖、抽菸多留意 (TVBS新聞2017年10月16日) 



  1. Chen WT*, Hsiao FJ, Ko YC, Liu HY, Wang PN, Fuh JL, Lin YY, Wang SJ. Comparison of somatosensory cortex excitability between migraine and strict-criteria tension-type headache: a magnetoencephalographic study. Pain 2018;159:793–803.
  2. Hsiao FJ, Wang SJ, Lin YY, Fuh JL, Ko YC, Wang PN, Chen WT*. Somatosensory gating is altered and associated with migraine chronification: a magnetoencephalographic study. Cephalalgia 2018;38:744-53.
  3. Chen WT*, Chou KH, Lee PL, Hsiao FJ, Niddam DM, Lai KL, Fuh JL, Lin CP, Wang SJ. Comparison of gray matter volume between migraine and strict-criteria tension-type headache. J Headache Pain 2018;19:4.
  4. Hsiao FJ, Wang SJ, Lin YY, Fuh JL, Ko YC and Wang PN, Chen WT*. Altered insula–default mode network connectivity in fibromyalgia: a resting-state magnetoencephalographic study. J Headache Pain 2017;18:89.
  5. Liu HY, Chou KH, Lee PL, Fuh JL, Niddam, DM, Lai KL, Hsiao FJ, Lin YY, Chen WT*, Wang SJ*, Lin CP. Hippocampus and amygdala volume in relation to migraine frequency and prognosis. Cephalalgia 2017;37:1329-36.
  6. Liu HY, Fuh JL, Lin YY, Chen WT*, Wang SJ*. Suicide risk in patients with migraine and comorbid fibromyalgia. Neurology 2015;85:1017-1023 (Editorial highlight)
  7. Lai TH, Protsenko E, Cheng YC, Loggia ML, Coppola G, Chen WT*. Neural plasticity in common forms of chronic headaches. Neural Plasticity2015; Article ID 205985:1-14.
  8. Chen WT, Chou KH, Liu LK, Lee PL, Lee WJ, Chen LK*, Wang PN*, Lin CP. Reduced cerebellar gray matter is a neural signature of physical frailty. Hum Brain Mapp 2015;36 :3666-3676.
  9. Chen WT, Yuan RY, Chiang SC, Sheu JJ, Yu JM, Tseng IJ, Yang SK, Chang HH, Hu CJ*. OnabotulinumtoxinA improves tactile and mechanical pain perception in painful diabetic polyneuropathy. Clin J Pain2013;29:305-10.
  10. Chen WT, Wang SJ*, Fuh JL, Ko YC, Lee YC, Hämäläinen MS, Lin YY*. Visual cortex excitability and plasticity associated with remission from chronic to episodic migraine. Cephalalgia2012;32:537-43.
  11. Chen WT, Lin YY, Fuh JL, Hämäläinen MS, Ko YC, Wang SJ*. Sustained visual cortex hyperexcitability in migraine with persistent visual aura. Brain2011;134:2387-2395.
  12. Chen WT, Wang SJ*, Fuh JL, Lin CP, Ko YC, Lin YY*. Persistent ictal-like visual cortical excitability in chronic migraine. Pain2011;152:254-258. (Editorial highlight)