Some images has been designed using resources from Unsplash & Pixabay & Pexels & Freepik and some icons from Flaticon

陳克華 (Ke-Hua Chen)


  • Medical Expertise
    1. 1.Cornea disease and general ophthalmology2.Cataract surgery
  • License
    Taiwan medical licensing examination Membership in the American Academy of Ophthalmology Membership in the Association of Research and Vision Science


  1. 人類角膜內皮細胞的生長培養液,Growth Medium for Human Corneal Endothelial Cells. ( Patent No: US 6,541,256 B1, Date of Patent: Apr. 1, 2003) for culturing adult human corneal endothelium and cells from neuro-ectoderm (1998~)
  2. 促進人類成年人角膜內皮細胞生長的新方法,Promotion of Proliferation of Adult Corneal Endothelial Cells (Patent No. US 6,548,059 B1, Date of Patent:Apr 15, 2003)
  3. 利用紅外線熱像儀判斷眼晴疾病之裝置(Method of Using Infrared Imager to Diagnose Eye Diseases and The Device Thereof): 張歐,江惠華,陳克華(中華民國專利證書號碼:1272931, Duration: 2007.2.11 to 2025.9.6, 美國及世界專利申請中)
  4. 人造玻璃體運用於視網膜剝離手術