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Anesthesiology Department

Anesthesiology Department

Endobronchial intubation with a double lumen tube enables single lung ventilation to convenience pulmonary surgery.The Anesthesiology Department includes the divisions of General Anesthesia, Neuroanesthesia, Pediatric and Maternity Anesthesia and Critical Care, to provide anesthesia services in 46 operating rooms and intensive care for surgical patients. We perform on average 2,500 anesthesia procedures per month. In cooperation with the Institute of Pharmacology of National Yang-Ming University, the department conducts basic research on the central mechanisms of opioids and the physiopharmacological mechanisms of deliberate hypotension. Additionally, we are carrying out clinical research on biplane transesophageal echocardiography, ischemic reperfusion oxygen radicals and complement response, CNS monitoring and application of evoked potentials, pharmacokinetics with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and post- operative pain management. Spectral analysis of hemodynamics, the role of cytokines on the pathogenesis of inflammatory responses and ventilatory care for acute respiratory distress syndrome are also our research interests. 

