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劉志偉 (Chih-Wei Liu)


  • Education
    • Bachelor, Medicine; Tzu-Chi University School,
    • Institute, Clinical Medicine; National Yang-Ming University,
  • Career and Experience
  • Medical Expertise
    1. Musculoskeletal ultrasound examination and interventional therapy
    2. rheumatic diseases
    3. Osteoporosis
    4. Allergic disease


  1. Liu, C. W., Liao, H. T., Hung, M. L., Wang, K. C., Lai, C. C., Chen, W. S., ... & Tsai, C. Y. (2018). Magnetic resonance imaging and clinical features in lupus patients with central nervous system infection: a retrospective study. Formosan Journal of Rheumatology, 32(2), 8-15. (IF: 3.871)
  2. Liu, C. W., Huang, C. C., Tsai, H. C., Su, Y. B., Huang, S. F., Lee, K. C., ... & Ou, S. M. (2018). Serum adrenomedullin and urinary thromboxane B2 help early categorizing of acute kidney injury in decompensated cirrhotic patients: A prospective cohort study. Hepatology Research; 48(3), E9-E21. (IF: 3.16)
  3. Liu, C. W., Tsai, H. C., Huang, C. C., Tsai, C. Y., Su, Y. B., Lin, M. W., ... & Yang, Y. Y. (2017). Effects and Mechanisms of Caffeine to Improve Immunologic and Metabolic Abnormalities in Diet-Induced Obese Rats. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism ;314(5):E433-E447. (IF: 5.900)
  4. Li, T. H., Liu, C. W., Lee, P. C., Huang, C. C., Lee, K. C., Hsieh, Y. C., ... & Tsai, C. Y. (2017). Decoy receptor 3 analogous supplement protects steatotic rat liver from ischemia–reperfusion injury. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association, 80(7), 391-400. (IF: 3.396)
  5. Liu, C. W., & Yang, Y. Y. (2017). Dual organ beneficial effects of metformin in cirrhotic rats with hepatopulmonary syndrome. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association 80(8):463-464. (IF: 3.396)