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賴冠霖 (Kuan-Lin Lai)


  • Education
    • PhD, Institute of Clinical Medicine; National Yang-Ming University,
    • M.D., School of Medicine; National Yang-Ming University, 1995-2002, Taipei, Taiwan,
  • Career and Experience
    Current Positions:
    • - Now, Attending physician, Neurological Institute, Taipei Veterans General Hospital , Taipei, Taiwan
    • - Now, Conjunct instructor, School of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan
    • - , Resident, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, 2002-2005, Taipei, Taiwan
    • - , Chief Resident, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, 2005-2006, Taipei, Taiwan
    • - , Attending Physician, Taipei Municipal Gandau Hospital, 2006-2017, Taipei, Taiwan
  • Medical Expertise
    1. Neuromuscular disorders
    2. Pain management
    3. Headache
    4. Electrophysiology
  • License
    Young Investigator award, 29 th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology, 2010 Second prize of best poster award, 19 th Taiwan Neurological Society Congress, 2014



1. 2010 第29屆國際臨床神經生理學會大會 年輕研究人員獎

2. 2014 第19屆台灣神經學年會 優秀論文獎

3. 2015-2017  國立陽明大學醫學系 優良 PBL 引導教師

4. 2018-2023  國立陽明大學醫學院 優良教師

5. 2018  台北榮民總醫院 臨床教學績優教師

6. 2019  台北榮民總醫院 醫療創新獎佳作

7. 2020  國立陽明大學醫學系110級學生票選核心實習優良臨床教師

8. 2021  台北榮民總醫院 實習醫學生票選最佳教學主治醫師

9. 2023  台北榮民總醫院典範績優教師獎 (2021-2023 UGY 及 PGY 教學卓越獎座)



  1. Tsao YC, Lai KL, Chen JT, Liao KK, Wang SJ*. Paired nociceptive blink stimuli can facilitate trigeminofacial circuit at a long inter-stimulus interval. J Chin Med Assoc 2019;82:30-34.
  2. Lai KL, Liao YC, Tsai PC, Hsiao CT, Soong BW*, Lee YC*. Investigating PUM1 mutations in a Taiwanese cohort with cerebellar ataxia. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2019;66:220-223.
  3. Cao Z, Lin CT*, Lai KL, Ko LW, King JT, Liao KK, Fuh JL, Wang SJ*. Extraction of SSVEPs-based Inherent Fuzzy Entropy Using a Wearable Headband EEG in Migraine Patients. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 2020:28(1)14-27.
  4. Lai KL, Niddam DM, Fuh JL, Chen WT, Wu JC, Wang SJ*. Cortical morphological changes in chronic migraine in a Taiwanese cohort: Surface- and voxel-based analyses. Cephalalgia. 2020;40:575-585.
  5. Niddam DM*, Lai KL, Tsai SY, Lin YR, Chen WT, Fuh JL, Wang SJ*. Brain metabolites in chronic migraine patients with medication overuse headache. Cephalalgia. 2020;40:851-862.
  6. Pan LLH, Wang YF, Lai KL, Chen WT, Chen SP, Ling YH, Chou LW, Treede RD, Wang SJ*. Mechanical Punctate Pain Threshold is Associated with Headache Frequency and Phase in Patients with Migraine. Cephalalgia. 2020;40:990-997.
  7. Lai KL, Niddam DM, Fuh JL, Chen WT, Wu JC, Wang SJ*. Reply to LTTE: Insights into chronic migraine pathophysiology - what measures of gray matter reveal. Cephalalgia. 2020;40:1138-1139.
  8. Lai KL, Niddam DM*. Brain Metabolism and Structure in Chronic Migraine. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 2020;24:69.
  9. Lai KL, Pan LH, Liao KK, Chen WT*. Electrophysiological basis for antiepileptic drugs in migraine prevention. Prog Brain Res. 2020;255:69-97.
  10. Tsai PC, Fuh JL, Yang CC, Chang A, Lien LM, Wang PN, Lai KL, Tsai YS, Lee YC*, Liao YC*. Clinical and genetic characterization of adult-onset leukoencephalopathy caused by CSF1R mutations. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2021;8:2121-2131.
  11. Wang YF, Liao YC, Tzeng YS, Chen SP, Lirng JF, Fuh JL, Chen WT, Lai KL, Lee YC, Wang SJ*. Mutation screening and association analysis of NOTCH3 p.R544C in patients with migraine with or without aura. Cephalalgia 2022;42(9):888-98.
  12. Jih KY, Lai KL, Lin KP, Liao YC, Lee YC. Reduced-penetrance Huntington's disease-causing alleles with 39 CAG trinucleotide repeats could be a genetic factor of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J Chin Med Assoc. 2023 ;86:47-51.
  13. Chao HC, Hsiao CT, Lai KL, Tsai YS, Lin KP, Liao YC, Lee YC. Clinical and genetic characterization of NEFL-related neuropathy in Taiwan. J Formos Med Assoc. 2023;122:132-138.
  14. Niddam DM, Wu JW, Lai KL, Yang YY, Wang YF, Wang SJ*. An altered reward system characterizes chronic migraine with medication overuse headache. Cephalalgia 2023;43(4):3331024231158088.
  15. Liao NY, Lai KL, Liao YC, Hsiao CT, Lee YC. Identification of m.3243A>G mitochondrial DNA mutation in patients with cerebellar ataxia. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, 2023;122:1028-1034
  16. Wu CH, Hsu TW, Lai KL, Wang YF, Fuh JL, Wu HM, Lirng JF, Wang SJ, Chen SP. Disrupted brain functional status in patients with reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome. Annals of Neurology 2023;94:772-784.
  17. Chen CC, Tseng KH, Lai KL, Chiang CL. Atezolizumab-induced subacute cerebellar ataxia in a patient with extensive-stage small cell lung cancer. Ther Adv Med Oncol. 2023 Aug 31;15:17588359231192398. (in press)
  18. Chuang CH, Li JY, King JT, Chen WT, Chen SP, Wang YF, Liu HY, Hsiao FJ, Pan LH, Wang SJ, Lai KL*. Abnormal heart rate variability and its application in predicting treatment efficacy in patients with chronic migraine: An exploratory study. Cephalalgia. 2023 Oct;43(10):3331024231206781. [Corresponding author]
  19. Hsu SL, Liao YC, Wu CH, Chang FC, Chen YL, Lai KL, Chung CP, Chen SP, Lee YC. Impaired Cerebral Interstitial Fluid Dynamics in CADASIL. Brain Communication 2023 (accepted).
  20. Niddam DM, Lai KL, Hsiao YT, Wang YF, Wang SJ*. Grey matter structure within the visual networks in migraine with aura: multi- and uni-variate analyses. Cephalalgia 2024;44(1):3331024231222637.


  1. 吳俊毅, 賴冠霖*. POEMS症候群. 臨床醫學月刊 ; (2019) 84卷6期, P812 – 815 [通訊作者]
  2. 沈宜靜, 賴冠霖*. 糖尿病周邊神經病變評估與新進展.  臨床醫學月刊 ; (2021) 88卷4期, P624 – 636 [通訊作者]