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林威廷 (Wei-Tin Lin)


  • 學歷
    • 倫敦大學學院運動醫學碩士 University College London MSc Sports Medicine, Exercise and Health
    • 國立台灣大學醫學系
  • 經歷
    • - 迄今 台北榮民總醫院復健部主治醫師
    • - 台北榮民的總醫院復健部住院醫師
    • - 新光吳火獅紀念醫院不分科住院醫師
    • - 倫敦帝國理工大學骨科部國立台灣大學附設醫院實習醫師 交換見習
  • 醫療專長
    1. 運動醫學、羽球運動傷害、腦震盪、骨關節復健、肌肉骨骼超音波檢查與注射治療、增生治療、疼痛治療、心肺復健、運動處方、特殊族群運動處方、一般復健
  • 證照
    國際奧會認證運動醫學學程 IOC Diploma on Sports Medicine FIFA 國際足總認證 Football/Soccer Medicine Advanced Course SFMA Level 1 CAK Level 1-3 NKT Level 1 NASM CES NSCA CSCS



  • Development of a Smartphone-Based mHealth Platform for Telerehabilitation
  • 運動相關腦震盪:敘述性縱論 Sport-related Concussion: A Narrative Review
  • 內翻踝關節扭傷風險因子與傷害預防之建議--系統性回顧


  • Risk Factor of Fracture in Patients with Sarcopenia- Proximal Femur Geometry Parameters Submission Frontiers (2021 復健醫學會年會)
  • A cross-sectional survey of the physical activity promotion, knowledge of physical activity guideline and physical activity habit in Taiwanese Health Industry (2023 復健醫學會年會)
  • Comprehensive concussion rehabilitation of a 25-year-old male professional basketball player, a case presentation(2024 復健醫學會年會)


  • Concussion Knowledge and Attitude in Taiwanese Professional Female Footballers (2023 Football Medicine Isokinetic Conference)
  • Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy in 5th Metatarsal Base Bone Stress Injury (2023 Football Medicine Isokinetic Conference)