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Medical Education Department

Department of Medical Education

The department contains:
2 divisions: Division of Faculty Development, Division of Clinical Skills Training
2 sections: Section of Teaching Affairs, Section of Medical Library

Having been a part of the Department of Medical Research and Education, the Department of Medical Education was reorganized in November 2013 into an independent part consisting of two divisions and two sections, in charge of faculty development, clinical skills training, internship and clerkship training, on-the-job training of medical staff, as well as providing the latest informational, educational and research-related books and digital resources.

To improve the teaching capability of our faculty, the Division of Faculty Development has designed core curriculums in 6 domains, comprised of teaching skills, research skills, leadership development, student counseling and guidance skills, evidence-based medicine, and medical ethics and law. Over the years, TVGH has won the Teaching Hospital Accreditation in succession and established the leading role among teaching hospitals in Taiwan. The pioneering high-tech Clinical Virtual Reality Room moves the clinical reality into the classroom to teach the skills useful for either outpatient- or ward-based teaching. The Cozy Corner of Medical Humanism provides a comfortably humanistic space for counseling and social interactions. Division of Faculty Development hosts international symposium on medical education annually since 2011 to invite well-known scholars from Europe, USA, Asia and Australia to give lectures and workshops, which earned a lot of acclaim from the participants.

Established in 2003, the Center of Clinical Skills Training marks our pioneering role in the country for high-realistic medical simulation training. In 2010, it was among the first list of centers eligible for national OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination). In November of 2013, the center was renamed Division of Clinical Skills Training (DCST) in the wave of hospital reorganization, and continued to hold core curriculums related to clinical skills, first aid training, clinical communication skills training, simulation training, OSCE, and inter-professional education, aiming to strengthen the problem-solving ability of the medical staff, and thus to better doctor-patient relationship and finally ensure health care quality and patient safety. In addition, DCST provides venues and teaching resources for rent, collects curriculum video and publishes books for the purpose to share resources, which is also acclaimed by many users.

The Section of Teaching Affairs manages the affairs related with clinical practicum and elective training program for domestic and foreign students and medical employees, and those related with the planning, implementation, assessment and evaluation of clerkship, internship and continuing medical education programs. The scope of business includes UGY and PGY programs, the Instruction Fee Reimbursement Programs for Teaching Hospitals under the auspices of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, signing for cooperation with other institutions, joint training programs, issue of training certificate, working under Medical Education Committee, managing for teaching hospital accreditation, election of “teachers of the year”, and production and design of medical posters. The Section holds a pivotal position in communication between national policy makers of medical education and our hospital staff who put the policy into effect. We also take the responsibilities to assist and guide the teaching performance of all the branches of Taipei-VGH.

The Section of Medical Library oversees the business of library to provide the staff with convenient access to medical books, journals, and video and digital resources. To improve usability, we develop a good information system for retrieval and continuously provide library training courses as well as counseling services. Through effective policy making and implementation of services, our professional librarians are expert at acquiring, delivering and integrating information to play our backup role in promoting medical performance and research development of the hospital staff as a whole. Our continuous efforts to create new services, combined with the abundant resources for information exchange, have won us golden opinions among the librarian community of Taiwan.

Our vision is to become learners’ first choice for training that can connect with the international trend of medical education, work with clinical services and research parts of the hospital, also in coordination with national policy, to educate them into professionalism. 

