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Orthopedics Department

Orthopedics Department

The Orthopedics Department has five divisions: Traumatology, Orthopedic Diseases, Hand Surgery, Pediatric Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, and has a success rate of over 90% for digit replantation. In recent years, using spinal fixation instruments, the department has helped patients with spinal trauma and degenerative diseases return to normal life. The department has so far performed more than 10000 hip joint replacement procedures, and surgically treats some 700 hip fracture patients every year. With the introduction from abroad in 1986 of a new method to treat diaphyseal fractures using interlocking nails, more than 95% of diaphyseal fractures have been cured. To correct congenital skeletal abnormalities in 1988 the department introduced the Russian external fixator to Taiwan. The department was the first to apply long segment allografts and prostheses instead of amputations for bone tumor patients, and has made many other noteworthy achievements. In a further response to patient needs, the department recently founded an orthopedic research laboratory.  

