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Neurological Institute

Department of Neurology

Department of Neurosurgery

In 1959, when this hospital was first built, the Neuropsychiatry Section was under the Medicine Department and the Neurosurgery Section was under the Surgery Department. In 1957, the Neuropsychiatry Section became an independent department, the Neuropsychiatry Department, and in 1983 this department was further divided into two departments, the Neurology Department and the Psychiatry Department. Through the dedication of Dr. Albert Ly-Young Shen, the Neurological Institute was created on January 1, 1989 by merging the Neurology Department and the Neurological Section. The Neurological Institute is composed of two major departments, the Neurological and Neurosurgical Departments.

The Neurological Departments has four divisions, including General Neurology, the Neurovascular division, Peripheral Neurology and Epilepsy. Specialized facilities such as neuropsychological examinations, electroencephalography (EEG), video-EEG monitoring, electromyography (EMG), sensory evoked potentials, transcranial magnetic stimulation, hemodynamic tests, cerebrovascular ultrasonography, neuromuscular pathology and neurogenetic/neuroimmunological tests are available in the Neurological Department for the evaluation of nervous system disorders.

The Neurosurgical Department has four divisions, including General Neurosurgery, Functional Neurosurgery, Pediatric Neurosurgery and neural Regeneration and Repair, as well as one Neurological Intensive Care Unit (NCU). In addition to routine neurosurgical services for cerebrospinal lesions, the introduction of Gamma-Knife radiosurgery has allowed for another option for the treatment of skull base tumors as well as vascular malformations. The Neurosurgical Department also offers epileptic surgeries for selected patients with intractable seizures. New monitoring systems have been developed and applied to patients in NCU with increased intracranial pressure or critical conditions after major brain surgery or head injury. The Neural Regeneration and Repair Division provides new hope for the treatment of cervical cord trauma, thoracic-lumbar cord trauma, brachial plexus injuries and common peroneal nerve injuries.

A. Gamma-Knife.A. Gamma-Knife.

B. The Central Control for Epileptic Surgery.B. Central Control for Epileptic Surgery. 

