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鄭乃銘 (Nai-Ming Cheng)


  • 學歷
    • 國立陽明大學醫學系學士
  • 經歷
    • - 迄今 臺北榮民總醫院 婦女醫學部 專科醫師
    • - 迄今 臺北榮民總醫院 生殖內分泌科 研究醫師
    • - 臺北榮民總醫院 婦女醫學部 住院醫師、總醫師
  • 醫療專長
    1. 不孕症治療:試管嬰兒、習慣性流產、反覆著床失敗、著床前染色體檢驗、胚胎縮時攝影
    2. 生殖內分泌:賀爾蒙與月經異常、婚後孕前健康檢查、停經症候群、更年期荷爾蒙治療
    3. 內視鏡手術:微創腹腔鏡手術、子宮鏡手術(冷刀肌瘤及息肉切除)、輸卵管攝影及通暢測試、卵巢懸吊手術
    4. 高危險妊娠:孕期產檢、安胎、產科超音波、剖腹生產
  • 證照
    臺灣婦科醫學會專科醫師 腹腔鏡微創手術:北榮陽大腹腔鏡2017-2020訓練、2022講師 達文西機器手臂:北榮婦女醫學部2020訓練、婦產科醫學會2022訓練 新生兒高級急救救命術
  • 語言專長




  • NM Cheng, YT Lin, SY Lin, YH Chang, YJ Chen: A digital application increases the accuracy and reduces the time required to determine the stage of endometrial cancer according to the 2023 FIGO staging system (Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol, 2024 accepted)
  • NM Cheng, WJ Huang, CY Huang, YJ Che, CH Ho: Clinical outcomes of round spermatid injection versus intracytoplasmic sperm injection: The potential role of hormonal pretreatment in male patients with non-obstructive azoospermia (J Chin Med Assoc, 2024 accepted)
  • Cheng NM, Chan IS, Shih YC, Wang PH, Chen YJ: How to Choose the Site of Injection for Sentinel Lymph Node Mapping for Endometrial Cancer. Clin Surg. 2021; 6: 3329. 
  • Huang CY, Cheng NM, Wang PH. Risk factors associated with epithelial ovarian cancer in women with endometriosis. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2020 May;59(3):353-355
  • Cheng NM, Chang WH, Wang PH. The first-line therapy for low-risk gestational trophoblastic neoplasia: Does single agent or multi-agent work? Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2019 Sep;58(5):585-586
  • Cheng NM, Sy CL, Chen BC, Huang TS, Lee SS, Chen YS. Isolation of dengue virus from the upper respiratory tract of four patients with dengue fever. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2017 Apr 5;11(4):e0005520