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Emergency Department

Emergency Department

Ambulance hlicopter for critically illed patients The Emergency Department consists of the Emergency Medicine Division and Surgery Division, which provide emergency care to patients in acute distress. It focuses on the rapid identification of life-threatening conditions, the performance of stabilizing procedures, and additional assessment to find a more definite diagnosis. In addition, special examination rooms and facilities are also available for otorhinolaryngologists, ophthalmologists and dentists to offer emergency care to patients with related problems. For rapid and accurate diagnosis and treatment, the department itself has its own examination laboratories, x-ray, endoscope sonography facilities and a spiral CT scanner. On average, it offers emergency care to some 240 patients daily or 7,200 patients annually. In order to maintain the highest quality of emergency care services, the department institutes educational programs to train practitioners to meet the standard of the Board of Emergency Medicine and Traumatology. Its records for highly qualified emergency care services, such as the disastrous accident at Waihsuangshi Dam in 1982, have won nation-wide reputation for the hospital, and in 1991 ,the department won first prize in a national evaluation of emergency medical services of teaching hospitals. 


