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劉虹余 (Hung-Yu Liu)


  • Education
    • Ph.D, Institute of Brain Science; National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University,
    • M.D., School of Medicine, College of Medicine; National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University,
  • Medical Expertise
    1. Chronic pain
    2. Headache
    3. Fibromyalgia
    4. Stroke
    5. Parkinson's disease


臨床學術專長: 腦中風、偏頭痛、三叉神經痛、纖維肌痛症、慢性疼痛。









【志為人醫守護愛】20140326 - 神秘的疼痛



  1. Liu HY, Chou KH, Lee PL, Fuh JL, Niddam DM, Lai KL, Hsiao FJ, Lin YY, Chen WT, Wang SJ, Lin CP. Hippocampus and amygdala volume in relation to migraine frequency and prognosis. Cephalalgia. 2017 Dec;37(14):1329-1336.
  2. Liu HY, Chou KH, Chen WT. Migraine and the Hippocampus. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 2018 Feb 5;22(2):13.
  3. Chen WT, Hsiao FJ, Ko YC, Liu HY, Wang PN, Fuh JL, Lin YY, Wang SJ. Comparison of somatosensory cortex excitability between migraine and "strict-criteria" tension-type headache: a magnetoencephalographic study. Pain. 2018 Apr;159(4):793-803.
  4. Hung-Yu Liu, Pei-Lin Lee, Kun-Hsien Chou, Kuan-Lin Lai, Yen-Feng Wang, Shih-Pin Chen, Wei-Ta Chen, Shuu-Jiun Wang. The cerebellum is associated with 2-year prognosis in patients with high-frequency migraine. J Headache Pain. 2020 Mar 18;21(1):29. 
  5. Liu H.Y., Wu J.Y., Chung C.P., Lee I.H., Lin C.J., Lin C.J., Hsu L.C., Chao T.F. Premature Atrial Contractions and Their Association with Stroke Features and Outcome. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases. 2020 Oct; 29(10):105-118.
  6. Fu-Jung Hsiao, Wei-Ta Chen, Hung-Yu Liu, Yen-Feng Wang, Shih-Pin Chen, Kuan-Lin Lai, Li-Ling Hope Pan, Shuu-Jiun Wang. Individual pain sensitivity is associated with resting-state cortical activities in healthy individuals but not in patients with migraine: a magnetoencephalography study. J Headache Pain 2020 Nov 16;21(1):133.
  7. Hsiao FJ, Chen WT, Ko YC, Liu HY, Wang YF, Chen SP, Lai KL, Lin HY, Coppola G, Wang SJ. Neuromagnetic Amygdala Response to Pain-Related Fear as a Brain Signature of Fibromyalgia. Pain Ther. 2020 Dec;9(2):765-781.
  8. Chien C, Lin CJ, Chang FC, Chung CP, Lin CJ, Liu HY, Chi NF, Hsu LC, Tang CW, Guo WY, Luo CB, Lai YJ, Lee IH. Quantitative CT angiography predicts large artery occlusion types and successful thrombectomy in acute ischemic stroke. J Chin Med Assoc. 2021 Jan 1;84(1):61-67.
  9. Lin YJ, Ko YC, Chow LH, Hsiao FJ, Liu HY, Wang PN, Chen WT. Salivary cortisol is associated with cognitive changes in patients with fibromyalgia. Sci Rep. 2021 Jan 14;11(1):1311.
  10. Hsiao FJ, Chen WT, Wang YF, Chen SP, Lai KL, Liu HY, Pan LH, Wang SJ. Somatosensory Gating Responses Are Associated with Prognosis in Patients with Migraine. Brain Sci. 2021 Jan 28;11(2):166.
  11. Liu HY, Chou KH, Lee PL, Wang YF, Chen SP, Lai KL, Lin CP, Wang SJ, Chen WT. Right anterior insula is associated with pain generalization in patients with fibromyalgia. Pain 2022 Apr 1;163(4):e572-e579.
  12. Chen CY, Lin PT, Wang YH, Syu RW, Hsu SL, Chang LH, Tsai JY, Huang HC, Liu TC, Lin CJ, Tang CW, Hsu LC, Chung CP, Liu HY, Chi NF, Lee IH. Etiology and risk factors of intracranial hemorrhage and ischemic stroke in young adults. J Chin Med Assoc. 2021 Oct 1;84(10):930-936.
  13. Hsiao FJ, Chen WT, Liu HY, Wang YF, Chen SP, Lai KL, Hope Pan LL, Coppola G, Wang SJ. Migraine chronification is associated with beta-band connectivity within the pain-related cortical regions: a magnetoencephalographic study. Pain. 2021 Oct 1;162(10):2590-2598.
  14. Hsiao FJ, Chen WT, Pan LH, Liu HY, Wang YF, Chen SP, Lai KL, Wang SJ. Machine learning-based prediction of heat pain sensitivity by using resting-state EEG. Front Biosci (Landmark Ed). 2021 Dec 30;26(12):1537-1547.
  15. Hsiao FJ, Chen WT, Pan LH, Liu HY, Wang YF, Chen SP, Lai KL, Coppola G, Wang SJ. Dynamic brainstem and somatosensory cortical excitability during migraine cycles. J Headache Pain. 2022 Feb 5;23(1):21.
  16. Hung-Yu Liu, Pei-Lin Lee, Kun-Hsien Chou, Yen-Feng Wang, Shih-Pin Chen, Kuan-Lin Lai, Li-Ling Pan, Ching-Po Lin, Shuu-Jiun Wang, Wei-Ta Chen. Brain morphometry changes with fatigue severity in fibromyalgia. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2023 Jun;41(6):1230-1237.



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