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尤香玉 (Hsiang-Yu Yu)


  • 學歷
    • 台北醫學院醫學系
    • 日本東北大學神經外科
    • 美國紐約大學臨床研究
  • 經歷
    • - 迄今 台北榮總神經醫學中心癲癇科 主治醫師
    • - 迄今 國立陽明交通大學醫學院 副教授
    • - 迄今 台灣癲癇醫學會 監事
    • - 迄今 台灣神經學會 秘書長
    • - 迄今 亞洲癲癇外科學會 理事
    • - 迄今 神經重症醫學會 理事
    • - 台北榮總神經醫學中心癲癇科 科主任
    • - 台灣神經生理學會 秘書長
    • - ILAE神經生理委員會 成員
  • 醫療專長
    1. 臨床和學術專長為癲癇症治療、癲癇手術術前評估。
    2. 癲癇手術術前評估






國家實驗研究院研發服務平台亮點成果獎佳作 2023.8

第十三屆IIIC國際創新發明競賽金牌獎 2022.11

台灣創新技術博覽會發明競賽金牌獎 2022.10

俄羅斯阿基米德國際發明展金牌獎 2022.3

臺北榮民總醫院醫療創新獎第一名    2020.11




1. 癲癇關懷頻道:





2. 終於等到了!12/1納健保「迷走神經刺激術」助頑固型癲癇治療 (健康醫療網 2020年12月23日)

3. 遇癲癇別怕 3步驟救人 (蘋果日報2018年04月08日)

4. 神經細胞造反 腦波檢測揪癲癇元凶 (中天新聞2017年11月06日)

5. 安眠藥之功與過 (CIMPHA中華整合醫學與健康促進協會 發佈日期2017年8月12日)

6. 「癲癇的手術治療」 (台灣癲癇大使2017年5月7日)

7. 抽筋與癲癇 (57健康同學會2010年10月14日)


  1. Lin C-W, Yu H-Y, Chou C-C, Li R-H, Lu Y-J, Wang W-H. Development and construction of the Multidimensional Self-Efficacy Scale for Epilepsy (MSESE) and its psychometric properties. Epilepsy & Behavior. 2024;152:109667.
  2. Wan-Yu Shih, Hsiang-Yu Yu, Cheng-Chia Lee, Chien-Chen Chou, Chien Chen, Paul W. Glimcher & Shih-Wei Wu. Electrophysiological population dynamics reveal context dependencies during decision making in human frontal cortex. Nature. 2023 Nov;14:7821 x.
  3. Liu PC, Chen HH, Chou CC, Chen CJ, Chen YH, Lin CF, Chen C, Yu HY, Lee CC. Stereo-EEG for Epileptogenic Focus Localization in Schizencephaly: A Single-center Experience in Four Patients. World Neurosurg. 2023 Apr;172:e319-e325. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2023.01.019.
  4. Chu PC, Huang CS, Ing SZ, Yu HY, Fisher RS, Liu HL. Pulsed Focused Ultrasound Reduces Hippocampal Volume Loss and Improves Behavioral Performance in the Kainic Acid Rat Model ofEpilepsy. Neurotherapeutics. 2023 Mar;20(2):502-517.
  5. Samia P, Sahu JK, Ali A, Caraballo RH, Chan J, Coan AC, et al. Telemedicine for Individuals with epilepsy: Recommendations from International League Against EpilepsyTelemedicine Task Force. Seizure. 2023;106:85-91.
  6. Huang SS, Yu YH, Chen HH, Hung CC, Wang YT, Chang CH, et al. Functional connectivity analysis on electroencephalography signals reveals potential biomarkers for treatment response in major depression. BMC psychiatry. 2023;23(1):554.
  7. Xiao Y, Chou CC, Cosgrove GR, Crone NE, Stone S, Madsen JR, et al. Cross-task specificity and within-task invariance of cognitive control processes. Cell reports. 2023;42(1):111919.
  8. Yen-Cheng Shih, Chien-Chen Chou, Yi-JiunLu, Hsiang-YuYu (2022, Nov). Reliability and validity of the traditional Chinese version of the GAD-7 in Taiwanese patients with epilepsy. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, Volume 121, Issue 11, November 2022, Pages 2324-2330. nstc 109- 2314-B-075-053. 本人為通訊作者.
  9. Chien-Chen Chou, Yen-ChengShih, Hsu-HuaiChiu, Hsiang-YuYu, I-HuiLee, Yung-Yang     Lin, Cheng-ChiaLee, Syu-JyunPeng (2022, Jun). Strategic infarct location for post-stroke seizure. NeuroImage Clinical , Volume 35, 2022, 103069. nstc 109-2314-B-075-042.
  10. Po-Chun Chu, Hsiang-Yu Yu, Cheng-Chia Lee, Robert Fisher & Hao-Li Liu (2022, May). Pulsed- Focused Ultrasound Provides Long-Term Suppression of Epileptiform Bursts in the Kainic Acid- Induced Epilepsy Rat Model. Neurotherapeutics , volume 19, pages1368–1380 (2022). nstc 108-2221- E-002- 176-MY3.
  11. Liu YH, Chou YT, Chang FP, Lee WJ, Guo YC, Chou CT, Huang HC, Mizuguchi T, Chou CC, Yu HY, Yu KW, Wu HM, Tsai PC, Matsumoto N, Lee YC, Liao YC. Neuronal intranuclear inclusion disease in patients with adult-onset non-vascular leukoencephalopathy. Brain. 2022 Sep 14;145(9):3010-3021.
  12. Po-Tso Lin, Samuel Wiebe, Chien-Chen Chou, Yi-Jiun Lu, Chun-Fu Lin, Sanford P.C. Hsu, Cheng- Chia Lee, Hsiang-Yu Yu (2022, May). Validation of the Taiwanese version of the Epilepsy Surgery Satisfaction Questionnaire (Tw- ESSQ-19). Epilepsy & Behavior, Epilepsy & Behavior 133 (2022) 108768. MOST 110-2314-B-075-042. 本人為通訊作者.
  13. Shih, Yen-Cheng ; Lee, Tse-Hao ; Yu, Hsiang-Yu ; Chou, Chien-Chen; Lee, Cheng-Chia ; Lin, Po- Tso ; Peng, Syu-Jyun (2022, Apr). Machine Learning Quantitative Analysis of FDG PET Images of Medial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Patients. Clinical Nuclear Medicine, April 2022 - Volume 47 - Issue 4- p 287- 293. nstc 109-2740-B-492-001.
  14. Lee, Cheng-chia; Chou, Chien-Chen; Hsiao, Fu-Jung; Chen, Yi-hsiu; Lin, Chun- Fu; Chen, Ching-Jen; Peng, Syu-Jyun ; Liu, Hao-Li ; Hsiang-Yu, Yu (2022, Jan). Pilot Study of Focused Ultrasound for Drug-Resistant Epilepsy. Epilepsia, Epilepsia. Volume63, Issue1 January 2022 Pages 162-175. MOST 109-2314-B- 075-053. 本人為通訊作者.
  15. Chou CC, Lin PT, Yen DJ, Yu HY, Kwan SY, Chen C, Liu YT, Shih YC, Lin SY. (2021, Apr). Acute withdrawal of new-generation antiepileptic drugs in epilepsy monitoring units: Safety and efficacy.. Epilepsy Behav., 117;197846.
  16. Lin FH, Lee HJ, Ahveninen J, Jääskeläinen IP, Yu HY, Lee CC, Chou CC, Kuo WJ (2021, Apr). Distributed source modeling of intracranial stereoelectro- encephalographic measurements. . Neuroimage, 230:117746. nstc 109-2314-B- 075-053.
  17. Hsiang-Yu Yu* Chun-Fu Lin, Chien-Chen Chou, Yi-Jiun Lu, Sanford PC Hsu, Cheng-Chia Lee, Chien Chen (2021, Mar). Outcomes of hippocampus-sparing lesionectomy for temporal lobe epilepsy and the significance of intraoperative hippocampography. . Clinical Neurophysiology. nstc 100-2314-B-075-075. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
  18. Yen-Cheng Shih , Chien-Chen Chou , Yi-Jiun Lu , Yuan-Hwa Chou , Hsiang-Yu Yu* . (2020, Jul). Reliability and validity of the Taiwanese version of the Neurological Disorders Depression Inventory for Epilepsy (Tw-NDDI-E). Seizure, 28;81:53-57. MOST 102-2314-B-075-073. 本人為通訊作者.
  19. Chien-Chen Chou, Cheng-Chia Lee, Chun-Fu Lin, Yi-Hsiu Chen, Syu-Jyun Peng, Fu-Jung Hsiao, Hsiang-Yu Yu, Chien Chen, Hsin-Hung Chen, and Yang- Hsin Shih (2020, Apr). Cingulate gyrus epilepsy: semiology, invasive EEG, and surgical approaches. Neurosurg Focus, 2020;48:E8-E8. MOST 105-2218-E-009- 027.
  20. Po-Tso Lin, Hsiang-Yu Yu*, Yi-Jiun Lu, Wei-Han Wang, Chien- Chen Chou, Sanford PC Hsu, Chun- Fu Lin, Cheng-Chia Lee. . Epilepsy & Behavior 2020;103:106849-106849. (SCI) Published (2020, Feb). Social functioning and health-related quality of life trajectories in people with epilepsy after epilepsy surgery.. Epilepsy & Behavior, 103(Pt A):106849. MOST 102-2314-B-075-073. 本人為通訊作者.