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Department Profile

  1. Provide year-round emergency medical services
  2. Established a training program for emergency medicine and trauma medicine specialists to provide practical training in clinical medicine
  3. Specialists are stationed in the clinic and regularly reviewed by the Trauma Committee and the Emergency Quality Management Committee to achieve the goal of emergency operation quality control
  4. Since 1996, Emergency surgery, the American Society of Surgeons, the Taiwan Society of Surgery, and the Society of Emergency Intensive Care Medicine co-injury introduced first aid techniques and concepts into the country
  5. Since March 1997, the department support the telemedicine operation, cooperate with the telemedicine consultation network, contact relevant specialists to strive for the timeliness of medical consultation, and solve the emergency medical treatment that is most urgently needed in the Kinmen area
  6. Cooperate with the domestic emergency medical network for emergency medical tasks
  7. Since 1998, implement the system of coordinating and signing up for empty beds in various departments during off-duty hours to shorten the waiting time for emergency patients. Later, the coordinating bed signing time was brought forward to 4:30pm.
  8. The NSP operation of the specialist nurse system is implemented, and 9 current senior emergency nurses are responsible for the ward rounds of the attending physician on duty every day, so that the speed of patient consultation and treatment is accelerated.
  9. Since April 1999, in line with the plan of the Department of Health, implement a dual-track emergency rescue system, dispatch medical personnel to the scene for rescue, and improve the quality of emergency medical care.
  10. Since January 2000, accelerate the completion of emergency consultation computerized homework. The info-technology de has completed the computer consultation program.
  11. Since 2003, imaging system (PACS) speeds up consultation efficiency and improves consultation quality.
  12. Established a 24-hour standby stroke treatment team
  13. Develop air ambulance system and establish standard operating procedures for helicopter evacuation

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