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In 1968, our hospital established an emergency room in response to the progress of medical treatment and the needs of the society for emergency medical care, as well as the increasing number of emergency patients. Since there was no specialist physician system established in the field of emergency medicine at that time, the director of the emergency department was rotated concurrently by the directors of each department from the first term to the twelfth term.

In 1986, our department was the first in Taiwan to offer emergency medicine courses in the National Yang Ming University School of Medicine, and incorporated emergency medicine into one of the mandatory curriculum of the medical department, so that medical students can establish the concept of emergency medicine early on. So far, the emergency medicine course continues to be highly praised by the medical students of National Yang Ming University School of Medicine, and all major medical schools in Taiwan have included emergency medicine in the compulsory courses.

In 1989 the emergency room was officially upgraded to an emergency department, and it was located on the first floor of Zhongzheng Building at its current location. In addition to the expansion of hardware equipment, the number of staff has also been increased, and the emergency medical system of advanced European and American countries has been introduced to establish a grading system for injuries and various emergency quality indicators to improve the quality of emergency medical care in our hospital.。

In 1990 emergency air medical rescue system between Taiwan, islands, and remote areas was established. After the helicopter lands on the top floor of Zhongzheng Building, the transport medical staff will directly transport the patients to the emergency department, surgery room, or intensive care unit for further examinations or definite treatments. Our hospital is the first choice for evacuation of acute and severely wounded patients in mountainous areas and remote islands.

In 1992, in view of the increasing number of acutely ill patients, a separate area was established in the observation area, equipped with various monitoring equipments. It is staffed with attending physicians and full-time nurses trained in intensive care units to improve the quality of care for acute and critically ill patients. Although not officially called an intensive care unit at that time, it has the care quality of intensive care unit.

In 1994 the department shouldered the mission of the first aid team of the whole hospital, and established code "6969" to activate the first aid system. It is committed to ACLS training for medical staff in the hospital, promoting the ACLS chain of life, and improving the survival rate of patients with cardiac arrest。

In 1995 the department pioneers the concept and officially established the Emergency Intensive Care Center (EICU) initially equipped with only eight beds, implemented the concept of resuscitate and stabilize first then intensive care later. With a complete medical team, sophisticated equipments and excellent quality control to better serve acutely ill and severely injured patients,

In 1996, the headquarters cooperated with the American Academy of Surgeons, the Chinese Academy of Surgery, and the Association of Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine to jointly introduce trauma first aid techniques and concepts (ATLS) into Taiwan.

In 1997, our department cooperated with Kinmen Hospital situated on remote island, in telemedicine, teleconsultation and medical network by contacting relevant specialist physicians to gain timeliness, for treatment support of acutely ill patients in need of urgent medical attention in the Kinmen area.

In 1999 the dual-track plan of "pre-hospital emergency medical care" was implemented in the emergency medical network in Taipei area, and the dual-track system of emergency care was implemented. Medical personnel were dispatched to the scene to provide ambulance to OHCA cases, improving the quality of emergency medical care in Greater Taipei。

In 1999 the 921 Nantou Jiji earthquake, the department took the lead in participating in the rescue team. The department cooperated with the hospital disaster rescue team to enter Taichung and Heping Township and other severely affected areas to carry out post-disaster medical care and reconstruction work。

In 2000 the department completed the computerized operation of emergency medical records, various examinations and prescriptions, improved the information operation and process of emergency consultation, and strengthened the care of emergency patients.

In 2000, the number of beds in the emergency intensive care unit was expanded to 13 beds, improving the medical care of critically ill patients.

In 2000 the emergency medical aid for large-scale events was promoted, and the future decree clearly stipulated that the organizers of large-scale events must have a medical team at the event site and draw up disaster response plans in advance.

In 2001 the department assisted Yushan National Park in compiling the "Handbook of Mountaineering Medicine", started domestic research on mountain medicine, and promoted health education for mountaineers.

In 2002, the trauma registration system was established to analyze and understand the prognosis indicators of trauma patients, so as to implement the concept of holistic care for major trauma. At the same time, the department established telemedicine, medical care facilities for poisons, chemical disasters and radiation injuries, and emergency disaster response systems.

In 2003 after the impact of SARS, the department admitted and treated the largest number of confirmed or suspected cases of SARS in the country, and fully supported the medical services of the National Army Songshan Hospital dedicated to SARS In the case of major hospitals closing emergency rooms one after another, the department continues to provide high-quality and comprehensive medical services.

In 2003, the Institute of Acute and Critical Care Medicine was established in the National Yang Ming University School of Medicine, which was the first in Taiwan.

In 2003, the PACS Imaging System was implemented. After the improvement of image quality and speed, it can speed up the efficiency of medical consultation and improve the quality of emergency medical diagnosis.

In2012, the emergency public bed system was established to give priority to cases where the emergency room was kept under observation for too long, and the high turnover mechanism of public beds was flexibly used. It effectively shortens the waiting time and improve emergency congestion.

In 2013 the emergency department was rebuilt, a control gate was installed at the entrance, the original emergency room was expanded and a central monitoring system was installed. It reduced the space of the observation area, improve the flow of medical treatment, and implement the diagnosis and treatment of mild and severe patients by triage.

In 2015, the dust explosion incidence launched a large number of emergency response measures for the injured, mobilizing more than 200 medical personnel in the shortest time. A total of 43 patients were admitted and treated, and 17 people were admitted to the intensive care unit, demonstrating the department's ability to handle sudden and large casualty.

In 2017, the Department of Disaster Medicine was established to be responsible for various disaster emergency response, planning and personnel training, evaluation of EMOC nuclear and chemical disaster drills in Taipei District, and EMT education and training、assisting Taipei City and New Taipei City Fire Departments in pre-hospital ambulance and emergency ambulance (EMT) training.

In 2018, palliative care was introduced in the emergency and intensive care unit in the early stage, which effectively improved the pain control of terminally ill patients and the quality of related care, and avoided excessive and ineffective medical treatment.

In 2021, after the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic in the community, the headquarters shouldered the tasks of screening, isolation, diagnosis and treatment, admission and separation, and supported large-scale fever-screening station outside the hospital, keeping the frontline of hospital epidemic prevention.

The department actively strengthens the quality of emergency and severe medical care, thereby improving the quality of emergency clinical care, teaching, and research personnel, and is also responsible for the development of future education in emergency medicine and the cultivation of leading talents in the field of emergency medicine.

In addition to basic and clinical research in emergency medical research, the department spares no effort in quality management and research. Every two months, the emergency medical quality committee will conduct a positive communication and interaction with various departments on delayed consultation, quality of emergency medical records, quality of observation, etc., in order to improve the quality of emergency care.


The Department of Emergency was an emergency room under Outpatient department from 1968 to 1988
Directors of the Emergency Room
Shao-Yao Hsia 1968.7 - 1971.3
Yu-Hung King 1971.3 - 1976.4
Shao-Jen Wu 1976.4 - 1977.8
Luke Sien-Shih Chang 1977.8 - 1978.8
Fang-Ku Peng 1978.8 - 1979.8
Tung-Po Huang 1979.8 - 1980.9
Cheng-I Liu 1980.9 - 1981.6
Chen-hsen Lee 1981.6 - 1982.8
Wei-Hee Lo 1982.8 - 1983.7
Tai-tong Wong 1983.7 - 1984.10
Ming-Hsiung Huang 1984.10 - 1985.5
Chen-Hsen Lee 1985.5 - 1988.12

The Department of Emergency was established on January 1st 1989, becoming one of the first level units in the hospital.
Directors of the Emergency Department
Chen-Hsen Lee 1989.1 - 2003.6
Jun-I Huang 2003.7 - 2010.1
Mu-Shun Huang 2010.1 - 2016.3
Hung-Tsang Yen 2016.3 - 2022.8
Chorng-Kuang How 2022.9 - present

Directors of the Division of Emergency Medicine
Sheng-Shuan Hu 1989.1 - 1996.1
Lee-Ming Wang 1996.9 - 2007.1
David Hung-Tsang Yen 2007.2 - 2012.6
Chorng-Kuang How 2012.6–2019.6
Teh-Fu Hsu 2019.7–present

Directors of the Division of Traumatology
Ming Liu 1989.1 - 1996.1
Cheng-Shi Su 1996.2 - 1998.10
Mu-Shun Huang 1998.11 - 2011.10
Yi-Szu Wen 2011.10 - 2016.10
Hsin-Chin Shih 2016.10 - 2020.7
Che-Kan Wu 2020.7–present

Directors of the Division of Disaster Medicine
Hsien-Hao Huang 2017.12–present

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