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Training of Non-ER Doctors at the ER Medical Department

⦁ A two-way training is provided.
⦁ For the duration of their rotation in the Emergency Department, the non-ER doctor must follow the instructions and guidance of the ranking Emergency doctor in charge.
⦁ Main training items for non-ER doctors at the Emergency Department
⦁ Able to immediately observe, assess, and appropriately treat and stabilize patients with acute ailments or trauma.
⦁ Demonstrate ability to prioritize patient intake for hospitalization
⦁ Understand the timing for hospitalization, hospital transfers and discharges; when specialists in other fields should be consulted; which department is best suited for follow-up treatments.
⦁ Apply urgent treatments for acute ailments and resuscitation.
⦁ Utilize a symptom-oriented approach for patients whose ailments are indeterminate
⦁ Methodology and skill in the treatment of multiple patients at once.

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