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Vision and Goals

Our central vision is to cultivate emergency specialists who can use their patient-centric approach and integrated skillsets to implement a holistic care regime. Our goal is to impart a high level of professional knowledge base and skillset to residence doctos, instill a great sense of responsibility in them, and foster warm, empathetic interactions with patients.
Implementation Framework
Aside from the VGH's standard organization structure, the VGH's resident doctor training program is headed by the Program Coordinator, Dr. De Fu Fsu (CHECK HIS ACTUAL ENGLISH NAME). The VGH has formed a Medical Education Committee, which oversees the Specialist Training Working Group. Dr. Hsu is the Committee member responsible for VGH-wide supervision and training. The VGH also has an Emergency Medicine Education Committee, headed by the representative of resident doctors, D. Bing Shun Hong (CHECK HIS ACTUAL ENGLISH NAME), who is responsible for regular meetings, implementation, assessments, feedback, and accountability.

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